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  1. Time on my hands, and kits in my stash. I now have the pleasure of building a: (A Loosely-Researched) Overview Following the failure of the Avante to either place well in competition or sell the expected volume of kits, Tamiya sought to improve the original concept. In many ways, the Avante was innovative, but it was also deemed overweight, fragile, overly expensive, and difficult to drive. Its use of many different materials was one source of its issues; pioneering several different types in the same chassis meant that it would always be difficult to perfect the design. Said materials also increased the cost and complexity of the kit, and when the Avante’s inability to fulfill its promise became apparent, units stopped selling. Stories abound of retailers moving Avante kits at heavily-discounted prices, even removing the included RX-540VZ Technigold motor in a bid to recoup some of their costs. The Vanquish was developed in part to amend this. Released as kit number 58076, this new car used the same gearboxes, shaft drive, longitudinal motor position, and suspension configuration as the Avante. However, it differed in several important ways. The Vanquish would use a longer wheelbase than the Avante, adding stability at speed where the Avante was found to be lacking. The suspension system now used plastic lower front arms and plastic ball ends, reducing weight and wear. The Avante’s aluminum dampers disappeared; in their place were yellow plastic C.V.A. types. The tool-free “Cam-Loc” wheels were replaced by a lightweight one-piece design, with staggered widths front and rear. This change helped to address problems with unsprung weight and turn-in response. The double-deck FRP chassis was swapped out for a plastic “bathtub” chassis, reducing both complexity and cost. This also enabled the design to dispense with a separate undertray, simplifying the kit. Almost every piece of fibreglass-reinforced plastic from the Avante was substituted by plastic in the new car, with the exception of the steering plate. The Vanquish would also be issued with a standard 540 motor, instead of a specialty type like the Avante, and was designed to accommodate a mechanical speed controller. By including the MSC, which the Avante was unable to carry, the Vanquish was more accessible to hobbyists at the time. The design was topped by a sleek new shell, whose design ethos probably owed more to the earlier Thundershot than the model which gave its basic design. Forward and futuristic, its aesthetic may have been less radical than the startling Avante, but still conveyed performance and style. A driver figure was still included, but this time was attached to the bodywork via a single screw in the roof, as opposed to a separate cockpit sitting on the chassis. Interestingly, it appears that the Vanquish was not pitched as a successor to the Avante, but rather a development. The new model performed better; however, it was aimed more at casual RC enthusiasts, suggested by its standard MSC and motor. It was not until the Egress was released, combining parts from both the Vanquish and the Avante, that the concept returned to top-level racing. Today, the Vanquish is well-regarded by collectors. For a time, following the re-release of the Avante, it was considered much rarer and consequently more desirable. With a distinctly-different appearance from the Avante, it would always remain in demand by enthusiasts who appreciated the Avante’s original concept, but wanted something just a bit different from it. The Vanquish, of course, was re-released as the VQS in 2020. It may have been rebranded partially in consideration to the Mini 4WD cars that borrowed its design. With new-design CV joints, modern pin-drive axles, and a sturdier steering rod, the kit re-emerged in the 21st century with a few updates, but otherwise as the same model. In so doing, the story of the Vanquish makes it to a new generation of hobbyists – and is retold to the ones who remember the original! Grastens and the Vanquish/VQS Since I bought and then sold an Avante, I have come to regret the decision to move it on. Not only did I lack a four-wheel drive off-road buggy, but I lacked a model with the same spirit of the Avante. Even when I did have one, though, I remember being drawn to both the Vanquish and the Avante 2001. To me, these were models that simplified the original design to its benefit – a bit of an evolution. While the Avante 2001 did so more directly, both in aesthetic as well as chassis design, the Vanquish was an interesting answer to the Avante’s issues. It also did not look like the Avante, which added to its intrigue. As I struggled on with my car’s maintenance issues, the Vanquish seemed an appealingly-simpler alternative, while keeping much of the Avante’s spirit. However, as it had yet to be re-released, it was much harder to find an affordable example. Harder still would have been finding the parts required to keep it running. My experience with an original Audi Quattro reminded me that 1980s plastic tends to get brittle… I cannot say I had the same emotions for it as other models, like the Rough Rider/Buggy Champ, Striker, or even the Avante; inaccessible as it was, I could never imagine actually owning or driving one. When the news came that the Vanquish would be re-released, I was still quite excited. It may have changed its name, but in almost every other respect it was the exact same car! I recall scarcely believing that Tamiya was producing the plastic bathtub chassis again, to say nothing of bringing back a car almost exactly as it was from the past. I placed a pre-order with my local hobby shop and waited the long months for its fulfillment. The irony is that once it arrived, my life had taken a different direction. In the midst of my employment and ongoing struggles with depression, I had again lost interest in the hobby. I tucked it away, still in its shipping box, and there it stayed for several more months! It changed when I acquired a Hotshot, which was a gift from my fiancée. The experience of building and running it, as well as the tacit approval I got for my hobby, emboldened me. Additionally, I was placed on a Leave-of-Absence from work; suddenly, I had much more time on my hands… … And so, we find ourselves with another build – and another build thread! First Impressions and Build Overview I have a habit of calling it the Vanquish, or even the Vanquish VQS. One look at the box shows why: To me, it will always be the Vanquish. I actually do not mind calling it the VQS, but as it is so much the same car, and is one less syllable to say, I continue to use Vanquish. Typing it out, though, as on here, I will likely refer to it as the VQS. Names aside, the inside of the box looks like this: A fair number of people do not seem to like the pre-painted and pre-cut bodies in some of Tamiya’s kits. I can be counted as a fan. The VQS kit has one in the box’s central section: Hard to argue with black paint, I guess. The Vanquish was not an unsightly car! There are more parts hiding under the orange insert. Fully disembarked, the contents – including those special chassis mouldings: The left-hand section has plenty of sprues: We get another box-within-a-box, too. I am not sure I will ever tire of these: Unloaded: Tire foams are a nice addition: The basic creed for RC car running is printed on the inside of the box, on an insert: I may never tire of these partitions, either. I appreciate some presentation: And making their special appearances: The ESC is an inexpensive brushed waterproof ESC from overseas. The more unique development would be the incorporation of a full-armed driver figure in the cockpit. I have always maintained that I would put one in any Vanquish/VQS I own, mostly as there are plenty of angles where the lack of arms on the original driver bust are all too apparent. I understand that this is due to clearance issues for the steering rod attached to the bellcrank, but I would like to see if it can be done. I have already seen this effort, using a Wild Willy torso. This is from TamiyaClub member Chip1: And just as I write this, I see that TamiyaClub member pininy has also done this, using a Ferrari 312T3 cockpit as a base: Come to think of it, I have the parts for that, too… However, the part was previously being prepared for my Hotshot build, but never used. With it being partially painted, I will look to use it in the VQS. Oh well – at least I have never put a figure with arms in a Vanquish/VQS! This will all be new to me. I do not mind the pre-painted shell, as I am just fine with the box-art scheme. Cosmetically speaking, the driver figure may be the only modification I undertake. The build itself will feature nothing else exciting: I have a generic waterproof servo and a Spektrum receiver set aside for it, and I will in all likelihood use the stock motor. The fact that this car is essentially a time-travelled Vanquish will be enough for me. And just like with any other time-traveller, I would be remiss to keep it waiting much longer! On we go!
  2. Had to have one... I know it's pricey, but if I was worried about price, I'd for sure be in a different hobby. A bit of backstory... I have a thing for the Avante line. I remember staring at them in the catalog and in magazine ads (well thumbed paper catalogs and magazines, no digital back then) and just in awe of the design. There was nothing like it back then, and I'd argue there still isn't. I couldn't afford it - couldn't even afford to think about affording it - but I could look at it and dream... When it was re-released in 2011, I had to have one. Ordered and put it on the shelf, saving it for a special day when I could sit down, block out the world, and thoroughly enjoy the build. It's now been years, and I still haven't cracked it open. Not sure why honestly, I've had plenty of opportunities to build it up, but just haven't been able to bring myself to crack it open. Now it's been on the shelf for so long, it's kind of a fixture in the shop....the longer it goes, the more I hesitate the open it. Enter the Vanquish "VQS"... the Avante's lighter, simpler brother. Same driveline, same basic suspension design, and none of the nostalgic hang-ups preventing me from building it. I have zero qualms about building and tinkering this one. I had one in the past that I picked up in rough shape. I restored it as best as I could and ended up selling it w/o even running. This one will see some running, though probably very light driveway testing. The fraternal twins... And Cousin Eddie. I had the Aero Avante too at one point, but never really warmed to it and sold it off - didn't quite fit in the family with the basic chassis. The DF03 Avante is just cool enough to stay and has been a shelf queen since assembly. Eventually I'd like to display all three somewhere. Opening the box...no blister packs, but there's always that Tamiya new kit smell. Nothing like it! Two box wrenches! Not sure if that's a screw up or intentional, but now I'm up to at least 100 of these things floating around. I've got a box full here somewhere, plus they end up randomly scattered around the house. I find them in the oddest places. Digging right into the build. Interesting that the B parts tree has a unique textured finish to it. Very different from the usual ABS gloss of most kits, and the other parts. Hard to capture on camera, but it's noticeably different. Possibly the smallest 1/10 gear diff I've ever built. I thought the King Cab ball diff was tiny, I think this is even smaller. For a second, I debated tearing the diff out of the King Cab to compare, but only for a second. I get easily distracted. Slathered inside with Tamiya's AW grease as recommended. Tamiya sometimes does odd things. The bearings on the diff outputs are enormous compared to the usual 5x11's, but the counter gear rides on teeny 5x8 bushings... Weird. Granted it's quite an old design. Not interested in bushings, I replaced them with bearings of course. On a side note, when I was 15 and building my first kit, I asked Dad if I could use some of his grease I found in the garage. He recommended the Penzoil 705 tub, and I ran with it. I've been using this same tub now for nearly 30 years! I have no clue how old the grease is, but I know dad used it on his '65 Thunderbird so most likely it's older than I am. Works fantastic, my OG TA02T used this grease, and the gears still look great after years and years of running. I'll probably hand this stuff down to my kids. I brush a light coating on the gear surfaces and it runs super smooth. And that's as far as I got. Not as far as I would like, but dad bedtime duties called. Next up is the center ball diff... Between "home schooling" and the holidays, build time is super limited right now...not to mention I'm building this the old fashioned way - no power drivers, dremels, or anything. Just a set of hand tools, an X-acto and some sandpaper - the way any vintage kit should be built.
  3. No, this isn't a thread about a particularly strong vindaloo..... I've decided spend a bit less time on this hobby, and so am downsizing the amount of stuff I have. I'm starting off with spare parts, but later on I'm going to have some vehicles for sale as well (Maybe a Konghead, a Chrome Edition Midnight Pumpkin and a Jagdpanther). However, i can only photograph and advertise a certain amount in one go, so here we go: Quick list of Contents as the thread is getting long and is pic heavy 1.Boomerang D parts 2. yellow Kyosho rims 3. Boomerang blue bits 4. vanquish wheels (original - used) 7. re-re sand rover left over body parts 8. TT-01 gears. Some used and only lightly used, some new (Originally bought for an 8x8 project) 9. DF-02 axles (used) 10. King tiger turret rotation unit 11. TT-01 / DF-02 one way unit used spares (Outdrives, bearings, and ring gear) 12. Hotshot II underguard Partially complete Boomerang D parts. Vintage kyosho wheels, but no idea what they're off. Bigger than hotshot series wheels so maybe 2.2" ? Boomerang / Bigwig blue spares (Some new, some used, will split if required.) Super Sabre unique spares (New) (Now sold) Avante 2011 Hop up wheels (Vanquish clones, but nice and white) (Now sold) vanquish wheels, pretty certain they are genuine vintage due to the slight discoloration, 2 matched pairs of front wheels, and 1 pair of rear wheels with some really old, hard oval blocks. The rear wheels appear to be both lefts (or rights), not a matched pair. Will split up if required. And lastly, (Till I get into the next box of parts), a home made by me (Still machined aluminium though) adapter plate for fitting a Hotshot gearbox to a hornet / grasshopper chassis. Alloy blocks fit in where the hornet gearbox mounts fit, and the fibreglass plate screws to the mount for the hotshot battery plate. The gearbox still requires attachment to the top of the chassis but it can be fairly easily. I've not put prices on any of it, let me know what they're worth to you, payment via paypal please. Once I get payment I will post items via Royal Mail signed for, as a minimum.
  4. I’ve made a school boy error and tried to restore 4 identical chassis at once - Avante ‘88, Vanquish (x2) and a 2001. I now can’t find two rear drive shafts and can’t remember if all 4 eBay purchases came complete with them. Anyone got 2 x original Avante / Egress or Vanquish rear dog bone drive shafts to sell? They don’t have to be originals, but I don’t think any re-re kit came with these of the same length. I’d be happy if so! Thanks!
  5. Hi all, I could do with some tips on why my prop shaft is rubbing against the upper deck of my Vanquish runner. Hopefully the pic shows it clearly enough. Thanks!
  6. Hi everyone. My first post. I have a Vanquish which I’d love to restore as a runner. I’ve stripped it down completely and the only parts broken (unfortunately) are: - Rear section - final two screw holes - of the main chassis tub missing (broken off). - missing rear bumper (for above reason probably) - front bumper is toast - link pins bent - shell and wing broken and cracked I think my only two options are : 1. Rebuild it with out the bumpers (no point IMHO), with TBG body and MCI decals 2. Go Carbon, maybe even go Page 28 upgrade in the manual. 😃. But I don’t have the HiCaps ☹️. Anyone want to give a view on this one? Thanks! Paul.
  7. I have a brand new never run set of Egress tyres on my Vanquish that I want a set of Pin Spikes aka original. they came on the Vanquish & Supershot and were a hop up (still are) UK based anyone interested in a swap OR do you have a set of Pin Spikes in decent order not needed?
  8. For sale: original Tamiya 58085 Avante 2001 - Rare and sought-after Tamiya radio-controlled off-road racing buggy. Unrestored condition - body shell is not mint and has some minor damage Vintage contemporary hi-cap hop-up shocks. Original-spec Tamiya black-can Sport Tuned motor. Full set of four very-rare original white Cam-Lock wheels in very good condition (not painted yellow ones!) New re-re Avante cam-lock wheel centres. Original-spec spike tyres in good condition. Custom FRP front suspension damper stay. Also supplied with a carbon-fibre aftermarket replacement option. Tiny cracks in lower gear cases - see photos. More photos available on request. Item is in Cambridge, UK. The Tamiya Avante 2001 shaft-driven 4-wheel-drive off-road racing buggy was released on 19th June 1990, featuring multilink wishbone suspension and a twin-deck FRP chassis . An evolution of the original Avante, this model utilised the lengthened chassis dimensions developed for the Egress. The original Avante bodyshell was redesigned to fit and protect the rear suspension arms. Perhaps the most beautiful of the Avante/Egress series, no vintage Tamiya buggy collection is complete without one! The only model in this series not re-released. With the others (Avante/Egress/Avante Black Special) having been through repeated re-releases, and this model never re-released so far, it is looking increasingly likely there will never be a re-release (hence two recent completed ebay sales for NIB kits at ~£650 and ~£1250). Sales price excludes delivery and local customs/tax/fees. The item is sold as seen and not refundable - I have been very honest and open about details of the condition. The photographs are of the actual item and are to be considered part of the description. Apologies to anyone watching/ bidding recently on eBay - the car is still for sale as auction won by overseas bidder despite the details specifying UK only. Sorry I would prefer to dispatch to the UK, due to frequent problems with overseas deliveries being severely delayed, getting damaged or going missing and as a private seller not a business I cannot afford to reimburse a disappointed buyer.
  9. Hi, I own an old Vanquish I plan to restore. Unfortunately I have some problems with the front tower - the holes in the chassis to fix that are broken. Any advise on what to do? Thanks a lot
  10. The last parts I need for my Vanquish restore are:- 2 Nr battery tray catches, 2Nr BP2 with screws BC2 & 1 Nr BL7 the screw that lets the front wheel carrier turn in the front upright. I suspect (hope) these parts may be common to the Avante or Egress. On the Vanquish they come from 3 separate screw bags and are like rocking horse poo with a cost you can expect from such hard to find parts. Even if someone has the relevant part numbers (parts/screw bag) from Avante that I can source for a lot less then please let me know. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi all, Have a sort out and have got a bundle of old wheels and tires to get rid of. None of the fitted tires are glued to the wheels. A Job lot consisting of: 1 Set vintage Vanquish wheels with oval blocks on the back and pin spikes on the front. The tires are seriously badly cracked, don't think they would survive removal, but I have run them on a super sabre without a problem, so someone might get some life from them before they disintegrate. There still plenty of tread left on the tires. Please note that the rear wheels are identical, so when fitted, the teardrop pattern in the wheel faces the opposite direction to the front. 2 complete sets of vintage hotshot wheels. One set plated and one not. The gold plating has flaked in the usual manner from the plated wheels as they have been used. 4 used rear oval block tires and 2 used fronts. Tires are in good condition apart from having hardened with age. Front tires have around 40-50% tread. 1 complete set of DT-02 wheels and tires. Wheels are good condition, I bought them used and never used them myself, so passing them on. Back tires are worn, but front are in very good condition. No splits or cracks as far as I can see. 1 pair of Kyosho ? 2.2" rims fitted with Schumacher mini spikes. I'll need £5 for postage within the UK (2nd class signed for), so make me an offer. UK buyers only please, and if you are not comfortable with paying via paypal gift then please tack on a bit more to the offer to cover the paypal fees. Edit 02-03-2019 - Removed thundershot wheels now passed on.
  12. Anyone got a link to the Vanquish manual that makes it readable? The one on here says you need to be a subscriber to make it a better resolution. I had a copy downloaded earlier in the year and cant find it. It was readable. I also got a Boomerang, and most of the other cars I have as well so can keep manuals good as put them in a folder. Thanks in advance.
  13. Found a vintage NIP G parts tree just now. Drop me a PM with offer if interested.
  14. Was digging through my old decal bag today and found these: Genuine Tamiya Vanquish Decals, leftovers from when I built mine nearly 30 years ago. Thought they might help someone complete a resto Open to offers.
  15. I'm on the search for a nib Vanquish to complete my avante family. Please let me know if you have one to part with. Cheers, Odd-Arne
  16. Hello, I recently acquired my first vintage Tamiya Vanquish. I am missing the driver inside the cockpit. If anyone has one for sale, please let me know. The shipping will be to Rancho Cucamonga, California USA 91739. I am paypal ready. thank you very much
  17. I am not going to restore all of these right now so i was wondering if anyone was interested in them. I have a link to the pics of the collection i have, PM me for that. Or if you want detailed pics of anything. Some are missing a few parts some none at all. If you are interested I can go through the whole rc with pics so you know what you are getting. I also have a fishing box with servos, gears, shafts....alll sorts of things. I would need help figuring out what it all is but i'm willing to take pics and go from there. king cab astute avante vanquish the fox and there are a few more.
  18. As per title, used is ok for me. They are the lower rear damper mounts, the brownished metal plates L shaped where there are the ball joints. I'm sure Tamiya Era has them. Cheers Max
  19. Hey, I have just restored my Tamiya Vanquish and would like to share. Vanquish is a really nice rc car. But the driver do not fit the cockpit so I remade one. I am still using the old Am 27MHz controller with Tamiya CPR unit. But what would be the difference if the electric parts were upgraded to 2.4G? Also could you suggest any hop-up for this master piece?
  20. I'm looking to buy Vanquish G parts tree and also the E parts (bumpers). Also looking for Avante/Egress/Vajra/Vanquish H parts (gears). Maybe also the front propeller joint. Please let me know what you have.
  21. Hi Just thought to share with you these vintage info.... ( sorry if this was posted before, but i did search and no such a post ) Very interesting how the prices are doubled 2-4 times now for these vintage products :
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