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Tamiya Wild One replica 1/24

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Hi friends.

I became the owner of Tamiya TT-02 at the beginning of winter and while I was collecting the kit, I realized that I had found my brand in the RC world) Then I started to get acquainted with the history of the brand, various RC cars that were produced and noticed one feature for myself - very often some moments in the design of the car, they are made not in order to achieve better results on the track, but in order to create one's character, a fan. And Tamiya has many iconic models that, after a long time, remain relevant even now. One of these cars turned out to be a buggy that I liked - Wild One. And I like the rear wheel drive and the old school design. At that moment, I was not ready to buy it, I was just studying it. But every day the desire to get it or something similar began to become obsessive) And just before that, I bought an Anycubic Photon 3D printer from a friend. Therefore, in order to put this energy somewhere, I decided to try to create this buggy in Blender. I had little experience in it, but I had enthusiasm and a good background in working with 3D Max 10 years ago. And drove off)

Since I don't often have time to go and use the 1/10 model outside, at one time I had the Wltoys k989 1/24 and it brought a lot of fun for 10 minutes of distraction from work. But ESC 2in1 burned on it. It was also decided to use its as a donor of spare parts and electronics that I cannot print. Immediately try on a scale, try to feel the proportions and design based on the template. Then the first steps to build a form in 3D. I got an idea of how to build a gearbox, found suitable wheels and started modeling, simultaneously remembering 3D and studying Blender. Constantly printed some parts to understand how the printer works, what gaps need to be made and so on. I decided to start with the most difficult, so that or if it is impossible to implement - to abandon this idea. Or it will be easier to pass this stage and further. I thought so)) Gearbox today is already printed in the 8th version, but works nice with ball bearing and grease) Then parts of the suspension, experiments with oil-filled shock absorbers, searching for the right technical solutions. And periodic dialogues with friends about what and how best to do. As a result, several people in my close environment have already formed, with whom they have already decided that after the completion of the project, we will print several copies for participation in mini competitions). Therefore, the home project gradually began to grow into something bigger. And the idea appeared to prepare the model so that it could be printed, assembled and go for a ride) And since I became a fan of Tamiya, I decided to follow the main ideas of this brand as closely as possible when implementing my project. During development, I had a lot of questions about the features of Tamiya and specifically Wild One. And since no one in my environment has this buggy - the whole project is done according to the photos and the manual for assembling the model. It was recommended to visit TamiyaClub. That's how I ended up here) Buggy is still far from finished, I plan to post periodic updates and ask questions. I hope I can get answers here)

Also, if anyone is interested, I will present here the full story from the very beginning with photos and some videos.








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Welcome to TC @SimTechRC.

This looks like an awesome project; I'm a huge fan of the Wild One and always interested in 3D design given I used to work in the industry. I will be following with great interest. Lovely work so far!

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@GeeWings thx for the kind words.

I plan to use a universal ESC 10A. Used it in several small projects before. I liked it for its simplicity and works perfectly in thr-brk/rev mode. But it does not have a battery saver, which is a big problem for LiPo. For the last few days I have been thinking about changing the power supply system from 2S LiPo to 4xAAA NiMh like mini-z. Again, under conditions of use at home at any time - it is more convenient to take the model off the shelf, turn it on for 10 minutes and put it back on the shelf without thinking that it's necessary to put the battery on storage. 

To implement this - I will replace the motor with a 6V version. Tested the electronics on 4x NiMh, everything works great. Do you think there is a reason for such a change?

NiMh view (WIP)

NiMh view (WIP...)


LiPo view

LiPo view



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Last changing:

  • returned to stock-view wheels
  • added some details to tires
  • partially rebuilt battery box, suitable to 4xAAA batteries (WIP...)
  • resized number plates to correct shape
  • repainted rollcage
  • added base shape of reciever (FlySky FS-BS6, as example) and servo (EMAX ES08MA II)
  • a little bit render for vis



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This looks really nice! But I noticed the shape of gears - Blender doesn't have any plugin to generate them?

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19 hours ago, Honza said:

This looks really nice! But I noticed the shape of gears - Blender doesn't have any plugin to generate them?


When I started working on the buggy, I created a gear template to basically design the gear box. Then when I moved to print, I bought a great addon for Blender - Precision Gears. It has a huge number of gear settings.



I didn't move on to detailing and modeling the chassis until I had a working gear box. There were about 8 versions) During a conversation with a friend, he suggested to recreate the gearbox as closely as possible to the original, or to create a realistic engine. But I don't plan to do that at the moment. Because I have a working version of the gearbox. I would like to complete the project, test everything. And then think about possible improvements. I am thinking about this decision also because I decided to abandon existing spare parts for RC models.

Gearbox after 3+ hours of stress-test

Electronic kit test

Disassembling gearbox after stress-tests

Without translate. But if shortly - all works fine, no wear and tear)


And something exclusive: Wild One - early Matchbox edition :D




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Few updates:

• front arm

• front arm mount

• deck front tube with shock's mount

Planning to finish the deck to print it and all dependent elements. But need to create servo mount, battery contacts, update gearbox connector and some fine-tuning bolted connections. Large piece of work)


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Project in 3d done near 98%.

Left remodelling shocks, forward driveshafts, front bumper and rubber net. But this simple part of project, will do it before preparing to print.

Now waiting for new FEP film and bath for 3d printer.











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Hi guys.

Progress is on hold for now.  I ran into a printing problem at home - the flexible resin that I planned to use for the tires smelled very bad during printing.  Plus, after the seasonal cooling, the working temperature of printing fails.  When I improve the heating and ventilation of the balcony, I will return to the project.

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Sorry to hear about the printing hiccups. I really hope you get to complete this project and look forward to seeing the results.

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Fantastic little project  . Great too see it finnished and see it running . 

Thanks ..

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Hi guys!  I did not abandon the project, more than half of the winter has passed.  And if everything goes well, I will try to continue the project in March-April.  Maybe I'll take the printer to the basement somewhere to print this smelly rubber)))

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Hello guys. Short post.

Right now I'm not in project, because of war... Because often I have no time for this. I should cover needs of my family. But I hope, I can return to this buggy later. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year) See you in 2024)


Attention photo)

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Never mind, guys) I'll try to post only point info about project. That post was full of emotions. The darkest night is before dawn)

A couple words about project:

Last year I spent a huge amount of time to fine tuning all aspects of the project. And one of the most important task, what I realised - I found working method for creating replica tires with 2-components polyurethane molding and had good results with toughness by Shore from 40 to 80 (what I want) with fine grip.

Next planned tasks - work with small details, connection points, completing battery deck, completing small ball differential (it is very hard task, I spent big amount of time, to find best way, to realise it.) Because mini-z diffs are very big). And I made a mistake during development of gearbox, made incorrect gear ratio. That's why, maybe it is necessary to model it from scratch.

Hope, I didn't miss anything)

I think, my next step is remodelling gearbox, when I will have enough time for that.

See you)






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You have nothing to apologise for.

As for Wild one; I’m still super excited to see it come together 

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Only just seeing this for the first time. Great project and hope to see more when you're able!

Best wishes to you and your family.

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