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well been helpn' my cousin with his projects at his property and he's done quite a bit since i was up there last......................

SOooooooooooo i purchased this to pass the time up there when I can

I've been treating it like my RC's it's getting all the fix n's

just the right height and weight with out going too insane, i can load it up by myself on the rear hitch carrier, it wasn't overly expensive but it has been known to be the oddball bike but it is built really well and have done quite a bit of hop ups to it, for that sake it will receive a Tamiya sticker for sure.

Yes just like the builds here, I have just begun (leave it alone you say? Hog Wash!) 

so here's a generic pic of how it sells and i'll post picks when I have the last parts come in and installed...................Fair enough.


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Now for an RC look alike, Hmmmmm? google search. or at least a model of it.

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well something got installed tonight....................


Proto type(have to make another one ) here I go again lap top parts and pieces for all types of vehicles be it 1:1, RC's, slots and trains who knew how versatile spent laptops and computers truly can be when they go kaput? well?............ this is for the Mod of the Air Filter snorkel removal and this holds down a UNI- Filter pad sheet piece in its place......




so i need to make it slightly different and larger

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Looking good @ACCEL  great to see you around again 👍🏻. She’ll be good fun when she’s done. I never joined Thumper Talk but I had one of their nice crank case covers on my old DRZ400E.


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