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Grasshopper tyre options

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Besides the Hornet/frog tyres that fit the Grasshopper standard rims what else fits them? 

I seen these but unsure 


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Are those off the comical Avante and HotShot?  If so, perhaps you can get the specs for the wheels and see if it matches your wheels..?

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Parma, Proline, CRP and even Duratrax used to make a bunch of tires back in the day that fit the stock wheels. They come up occasionally on eBay.

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Outside of those two there isn't much other than very old aftermarket tires that will likely go bald after a few runs.

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I personally think hornet /grass hopper wheels go well with stock tires….I do have modern wheels (other tamiya wheels that take 12mm hex) with different tires so that i can put them on when i feel like it..

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The only readily available tires are the Frog and GH tires.  Parma, CRP, Duratrax (and others) made 1.5 (1.4 for Duratrax) tires BITD.  You’ll have to search them out on EBay.

Brat wheels and tires will also fit the GH.



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Here is my suggestion for something that is actually working and not is unicorn-poo: Kyosho Scorpion tyres. I have been riding them a couple of years now, allthough on Scorpion rims. For the sake of this thread I tried a spare tyre on a Grasshopper wheel and it fits like a glove. There might be that you need 4 drops of glue on both sides in addition. These tires transform this chassis. See the videos from @shenlonco on YT for further information and get convinced. 





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52 minutes ago, Andreas W said:

Here is my suggestion for something that is actually working and not is unicorn-poo: Kyosho Scorpion tyres. I have been riding them a couple of years now, allthough on Scorpion rims. For the sake of this thread I tried a spare tyre on a Grasshopper wheel and it fits like a glove. There might be that you need 4 drops of glue on both sides in addition. These tires transform this chassis. See the videos from @shenlonco on YT for further information and get convinced. 





Yes they sure do make the hopper chassis drive much better!! Nice to see you can get them to fit on the stock wheels! 

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1 hour ago, Jonesy924 said:

How are the Scorpion tyres on the sand? Better than the Grasshopper paddle tyre? 

I mainly run on sandy gravel and they are significantly better. Actually on all surfaces I have tried. I do not run it on tarmac. 


You might find out quick that you want more front end grip. May I suggest white Tomahawk wheels (as a hommage to the Nikko Bison F10 - also a cool 2WD buggy of the time) with either soft Scorpion tyres or Schumacher Cut stagger low profile in silver compound. I use the latter and they are working superb together with the suggested rear tires (I have medium compound).


With adapters from Ampro or drilled Scorpi drive washers you can run the corresponding Kyosho wheels instead,  if you like.


Edit: You gotta drill vent holes in the Tamiya rims, if you are to use them. 

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