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I painted a body and began peelng off the window masks.  They are fighting me and a lot of adhesive is left behind.  Is Goo Gone safe for polycarbonate?  What do you suggest to clean Lexan?  Hopefully it is something I have around the household.

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Isopropyl alcohol with a soft cloth should be good for that. I tend to wipe the inside of a body with it when I’ve removed some masking tape before the next colour is applied. 

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Lighter fluid or alcohol both works. 

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some other options I have successfully used

- eucalyptus oil

- orange power cleaner (citrus based cleaner)

- rubbing with a thumb, boring but can work if you can't get anything

- masking tape. basically applying a sticky tape to the adhesive and it peeling off, can work with some adhesive when you don't have a cleaner or want to use a solvent

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Not tried it on lexan but on plastic normal wood polish does the trick, so test on a scrap piece first if you can

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3 hours ago, Tamiyabigstuff said:


Interesting!  Thanks for the info.  I actually do have some of that at home.

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Just now, JatoTheRipper said:

Interesting!  Thanks for the info.  I actually do have some of that at home.

I had the same problem as you - I left window masks on the body for too long and the adhesive was left behind when I peeled the masking off.

I asked the question here on TC and the answer I got back was to use olive oil - I tried it and it worked a treat.

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On 9/5/2024 at 12:05 PM, Tamiyabigstuff said:

I had the same problem as you - I left window masks on the body for too long and the adhesive was left behind when I peeled the masking off.

I asked the question here on TC and the answer I got back was to use olive oil - I tried it and it worked a treat.

Well the window masks were only left on long enough to paint.  The masks were on the body an hour at max.  Probably less.  They are just super thin and tear easily on the Vanquish Stance body.  The overfilm tore off in many pieces as well.

But I have to say olive oil worked!  Thank you for the tip!

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IPA or for really sticky and hard to remove glue, WD-40. Then once again use IPA to remove oil.

Standard glue from masking tape will be easily removed by IPA.

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