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Tamiya Fan 1

How to become a subscriber

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How do you become a subscriber with out having to register again and loose your user name? I have been a member for years + 

. Iv'e search but no answers on here. Answered ones any way.

When I try to log in on subscription page, It wants my email (Not user name) and my password will not match that. Don't want to start over again.:(

Any one out there have an answer??

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From memory the two pages are very seperate in that regard. I have a subscription that does use email, rather than username to log in, but my actual username on the main site is the same as here on the forum site

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Go to the main site (link above, left).

If you are already registered on the main site, log in with email + your normal password (from here, unless you have a specific one for the main site).  My username is the same there as it is here. And I am the same dog, sorry, bear as always. :)

Go to your profile page, and from there, there is a link to the subscription process.

Or am I missing something? Maybe @acprc can walk you through the process if you have any further questions.

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I had my forum login for a while before subscribing so its definitely possible. Cant remember how though. Hopefully @acprc will be along shortly to advise.

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The main site and the forum aren’t the same system. You can have the same user name if it’s not taken on one or the other but you need two accounts, one for the main site and one for the forum if I remember correctly. 

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I tried to register but it will tell me Email and User name is allready takenis all ready taken? It's taken by me. Now I feel stupid. Not sure how to do it. 

Thanks everyone for trying to help. I only want the one Email so don't know how this will work. I'll keep trying.

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Maybe give one of the mods a chance to help out before doing much more then. 

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I figure it out. My old password didn't match my email for some reason. I all ready had an account, so I changed my password and that is what it was. I beleive TAMIYACLUB stayed the same? Will see when it logs me out and I can get back in?

Thanks every one!!

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On 10/24/2024 at 5:59 PM, Tamiya Fan 1 said:

I figure it out. My old password didn't match my email for some reason. I all ready had an account, so I changed my password and that is what it was. I beleive TAMIYACLUB stayed the same? Will see when it logs me out and I can get back in?

Thanks every one!!

Sorry for the delay in replying I have been out of the country travelling for work. Please reach out if you need any support.

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