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My 1:1 RSR - Jager or Vaillant? - You decide!!

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I can't wait to see the result.

I have to say that it was very difficult to find the original paint code. But I found it  (with much help from the dutch forum). Just glad to help a porsche and tamiya lover [;)] [:P]


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Just a quick update - thanks to Jules (MonsterBeetle) we found the correct code. I went up to the painters today , and the 1st bit of orange is on!!



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Ha Ha  - thought about a brushless motor , but not enough room for me AND the battery pack!!!

 Instead , I am making do wih a 3.3L Turbo with headers and a modified wastegate.

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Just a quick update.

It's taken a bit longer than expected , but the car was finally painted!


Progress should be a bit quicker now - I'll keep you up to date with progress - thanks again to all the voters!!


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Looks real good, can you mail me some more pics from the process? Then I can post them on  the dutch forum.

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Just a quick update  - decals were delivered on Friday , so I had to apply them over the weekend !!

I have to say , I am very glad that I (we) decided on the Jager scheme - Vaillant would have been a nightmare!

Anyway , they are all done now , quite pleased with the results.







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**** good work fella [Y]

i need to do a 1:1 scale 4x4 citroen 2cv lol

cant wait to see it finished


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Absolutely beautiful car.

It's a shame it has to have a front registration plate, but if you want a custom one that is smaller and less intrusive - try www.ezplates.co.uk .

I've used mini plates to tidy up the front of my Elise and Chimaera when I had them with no problems from plod.

Can't wait to see the finished article. Not sure if you are a member of the Porsche Club GB, but assume you are so if you take it along to a meet, please let us know - I have family in the club (father has a 996 GT3) - I'd love to see it in the flesh!!

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**** that looks badass.  Just think of the stares you will get when you drive it down the street

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It has been a while since I've been on the forum, busey with my 1:1 www.pro-touring.nl ...but I was curious how your Porsche turned out.

I really, really like it!! It is different, cool and well executed, my hat off to you sir!



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Looks like everyone is into 1:1 cars as well!

I prefered the Vaillaint version but this is looking better every time I see it! very very [H]

Martin, nice page! Great resto!

I'm re-building my car too: http://www.206tuningclub.nl/forum/viewtopi...80&start=45

I also going to add the Brembo GT brake kit  front (310mm) and rear


The exhaust is a Supersprint with kat-back and a spaghetti manifold of the 206RC.

The inlet manifold will be an aluminum custom made one with shorter pipes.

Cams will be replaced bij 230 Kent cams with a 10mm lift (enough for street use).

Final, a (stage 1) NOS-system will be installed to add an extra 35BHP.

Then, finetuning is needed on the Dyno to get everything working with the original ECU.

But that's waaaaay of topic!


Keep us posted Mark!


Grtz Dee.

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Well - it's finished - so this is the final update. Having refitted the engine and gearbox with 3 days to go , the car performed faultlessly on the maiden voyage to the Lemans 24 hr race. 1200 miles in total - a little noisy , a little hot - but awesomely fast and certainly draws some attention.

Once again , thanks to everyone who voted - I think it was the right decision!

More photos just posted in my showroom.



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Holy :o That's soooo great ;) The color turned out very nice :)

Was just wondering today how it was with the porsche. And here's the answer. Great work :D

Can you email me some high res pics?

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markmws, What's this??? Got more pictures?

It looks to me to be an old PowerWheels kiddie car... just like the one I bought my youngest son.


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markmws, What's this??? Got more pictures?

It looks to me to be an old PowerWheels kiddie car... just like the one I bought my youngest son.

Hi AirBoston

It's actually the 1/4 scale Yankee RSR which is in my showroom. Your fellow countryman Jay supplied me with a custom made set of decals for it , but I've not yet updated the model. I'll take some pictures of the whole 1:1 , 1:4 , 1:10 and 1:12 gang together at the weekend , and post them here!!

P.S. Well spotted!!


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Hi AirBoston

It's actually the 1/4 scale Yankee RSR which is in my showroom. Your fellow countryman Jay supplied me with a custom made set of decals for it , but I've not yet updated the model. I'll take some pictures of the whole 1:1 , 1:4 , 1:10 and 1:12 gang together at the weekend , and post them here!!

P.S. Well spotted!!


Oooh, I gotta see that. Please show off your toys!

Yes I can spot anything Porsche for miles around. It drives my wife nuts. On the highway I'll spout out that I see a Porsche, she'll as where. I'll point about a mile up the road. :P

Mark are you one any of the state side Porsche forums like Rennlist or PelicanParts? If not, they'd love to see such a sweet ride.

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Oh, and here's what my car looked like before it went to sleep two years ago:

Nice 914/6 - I,ve always had a soft spot for these cars , very rare on this side of the pond! I restored a 914 a couple of years ago , but sold it almost immediately , as to be honest it was disappointingly slow , even with a big bore kit , cam and Webers.


What size engine is in your car? - I would really like to do a wide arch 916 , with a 2.5 twin plug motor - maybe my next project ???

I do post on Pelican occasionally - if I remember correctly there is one picture of my RSR on a thread there , but maybe I should post a few more.



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