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My 1:1 RSR - Jager or Vaillant? - You decide!!

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OK - I have a problem.

I started to build a full size 1974 RSR replica a few months ago - in fact ,before the 30th Anniversary model was even announced.

From the start I have intended to paint the car orange , and livery it up with the Jagermeister decals. However , after restoring a 58001 in Cobalt Green (thanks to RobbanWRX!) , and building a 30th Anniv and a TT934 (still waiting for the paint!) , I have really started to like this look - despite the strange green - it has grown on me.

The car is booked in to be painted next week , and tonight I was out in the garage looking at it in primer , with both my Tamiya Vaillant and Jagermiester 934s in view.  I am really torn as to which colour to choose , and when I came back into the house and checked my emails , I found a new showroom comment from Jerome (Chaindriven) about this very car.

I'm sure this is fate - so come on you Tamiya 934 fans - help me decide please. Post your choice in this thread , and whichever is most popular by this time next week will be my instruction to the painter!

Thanks for your help!!



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Jagermeister wins out easily.

If only because :

a) I love the colour orange

:) Not "boxart" is always a bonus. Shows a little imagination.


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Have to go with the Jager also.  I'm not a fan of that green and WTH is with the bunny rabbits

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Anything except Valliant, objectively, despite loving the 58001 for being Tamiya's first, would hate to have a 1:1 car in this ugly green. [+o(]


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Thanks for the votes so far guys - that's 2 votes for each - I need more votes as theres only a week to go!!!

I'll update you all with progress pics , and might even put a TC sticker on there somewhere!!



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Oops! - Missed your post there Theo while I was typing. To be honest  ,that is exactly what I was thinking - "ugly greeen" and as Shodog says "bunny rabbits" - but somehow it is just growing on me !

But then again I have always loved the orange/Jagermeister , and think maybe if I go with Green I'm going to regret it big style in  a few months!!

all opinions gratefully recieved


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Go with orange - don't regret the green...

Are you also going

to get a 12-foot-long plastic tube and mount it sticking vertically out

of the roof with a little bit of electrical cord poking out the top,

for added realism..?

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Or alternatively - what about a nice black and gold 934?? mmmmmmmmm - tasty....

Nahhhh - JAGER........................

Down with the funny bunny body! [8-|]



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Where did Jagermeister come up with the orange when their bottle is green?  It appears they have been slammin some jager shots when they came up with that decision.

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I like Funny Bunnies,or Martini but that just my idea Great car by the way.Im shure it will look great aither way.

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Jager for sure by the way fantastic project did you do the work yourself?

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Ok guys - theres still 6 days to go - but I can see the way the wind is blowing!

I think a few cans of orange are on the cards , and I think my bill from the signwriter is going to be a little less than it could have been!!

I have done all he bodywork myself - but to be honest , it is a piece of cake compared to the skills I see here onTC!

If you have the patience to produce the results of someone like Shodog in 1/10 scale - doing it in1/1 is a breeze.

I still don't have the confidence to paint this myself - so while it is away I will be keeping busy painting my Tamiyas - much Cobalt Green to be used!!

Thanks for all yor comments so far - much appreciated (especially the idea for the 12 foot aerial - nice one !!)


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One other point for "ultimate realism" get your self a helmet painted up like the guy from the box art and a nice big wire bumper. Imagine the looks on peoples faces [H]

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One other point for "ultimate realism" get your self a helmet painted up like the guy from the box art and a nice big wire bumper. Imagine the looks on peoples faces [H]

Or a huge electrical motor in the back with horrible sound compared to the flatsix [:P] LOL 


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Ok guys - theres still 6 days to go - but I can see the way the wind is blowing!

I think a few cans of orange are on the cards , and I think my bill from the signwriter is going to be a little less than it could have been!!

I have done all he bodywork myself - but to be honest , it is a piece of cake compared to the skills I see here onTC!

hey hey, just came back from newsagent today after reading a new UK Porsche mag "GT...." and yeah, they roadtested a RSR replica that someone built from an SC... looks real WIIIIIIIIDE in pale solid lemon yellow.

I'd vote Orange too.... with black/gold coming close second - in "JPS" livery. C'mon its the 1970s, gotta have the ciggie ads... [:P]

You're gunna decal yours, serious?? Definitely become a drool monster! Can't wait to see pix of finished vehicle.

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You must go boxart with all the correct decals. I totally love the cobalt green. It will truly be an amazing car if you go green! But then again, the Jaeger is awsome too. =)

 Looking forward to see more pics of the car.

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Jäger, do you have more pics of your beauty?

I'm a big porsche fan and going to buy a 924 next year (should be my first car), but a 934 is my real dream.

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OK - heres another photo- I took this a few weeks ago , when I was getting a bit of "body work fatigue" !  I sprayed a section of the rear wing , just to get an idea of the correct Orange colour - and to boost my enthusiasm to get it finished.

I'll post some better pictures after the weekend , as , providing it's not raining (or snowing!!) it is coming out of the garage , ready for the trip to the painter.

- WillyChang - I've also got that issue of GT Purely Porsche - thar car has the exact same body parts as mine - and wheels - the guy has made a nice job of it.

-RobbanWRX - You seem to be in a minority here with your Vaillant vote - but I have to agree with you - I hated it at first , but it really has grown on me!

Moster_beetle - Go for the 924! you won't regret it - and after a few years I guarantee you'll have a 911 - Porsche is a disease - just like Tamiya!!

Thanks again for all the comments guys - i'll keeep you updated




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