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Very good Gordb,  was " F5 ing" the wrong topic :)

But to be true, was to slow anyway with solving the ridle,


Very generous of you Jerry of doing a stunt like this [Y]


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I too was watching the other thread.... can't blame me though, was 6am here.... I usually don't open my eyes for another hour.... so the brain wasn't working....

Will send the kangaroo around to Jerry's place, for making me be functional so early...


Congrats to Gordb, and big thanks to Jerry for putting the kit up...


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If I can bring myself to build it, I promise to put up a build thread with lots of pictures ... and I just want to second those "thanks yous" to Jerry - not only because I was lucky enough to win a gorgeous vintage kit, but also because it's a tremendously generous thing to do for the community and lots of fun to be a part of (and yes, I would still have thought that if I hadn't won - if for no other reason than I love riddles!)

And just to level the playing field for next time, you spam the F5 key on the active topics page =)






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Guest DImblum

Congrats to Gordb on the win!! I hope he builds it - Would love to see it [:D]


I checked into the riddle and realized that the answer doesn't necessarily reveal which door leads to the Tamiya treasure (since the truthful brother could be guarding either door etc). The question actually couldn't be answered by either brother since it isn't referring to a specific door. It looks like the real question would be:

"If I were to ask the other brother which door leads to the Tamiya Treasure, what would he say?"

as opposed to "Which door would the other brother tell me to open?"


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Congrats to Gordb on the win!! I hope he builds it - Would love to see it [:D]


I checked into the riddle and realized that the answer doesn't necessarily reveal which door leads to the Tamiya treasure (since the truthful brother could be guarding either door etc). The question actually couldn't be answered by either brother since it isn't referring to a specific door. It looks like the real question would be:

"If I were to ask the other brother which door leads to the Tamiya Treasure, what would he say?"

as opposed to "Which door would the other brother tell me to open?"


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Congrats to Gordb on the win!! I hope he builds it - Would love to see it [:D]


I checked into the riddle and realized that the answer doesn't necessarily reveal which door leads to the Tamiya treasure (since the truthful brother could be guarding either door etc). The question actually couldn't be answered by either brother since it isn't referring to a specific door. It looks like the real question would be:

"If I were to ask the other brother which door leads to the Tamiya Treasure, what would he say?"

as opposed to "Which door would the other brother tell me to open?"


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Congrats to Gordb on the win!! I hope he builds it - Would love to see it [:D]


I checked into the riddle and realized that the answer doesn't necessarily reveal which door leads to the Tamiya treasure (since the truthful brother could be guarding either door etc). The question actually couldn't be answered by either brother since it isn't referring to a specific door. It looks like the real question would be:

"If I were to ask the other brother which door leads to the Tamiya Treasure, what would he say?"

as opposed to "Which door would the other brother tell me to open?"


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I am unable to add a quote to dimblum...You see his answer is asbsoultly correct....but the first reply was close enough and i was not sure with english transations which some of the members use it too was correct enough...Dimblum answer was "Text Book Correct"...Now I have to find out why my post keep repeating when i try to answer with a quote...Sorry for all the confusion...Jerry

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Guest DImblum
I am unable to add a quote to dimblum...You see his answer is asbsoultly correct....but the first reply was close enough and i was not sure with english transations which some of the members use it too was correct enough...Dimblum answer was "Text Book Correct"...Now I have to find out why my post keep repeating when i try to answer with a quote...Sorry for all the confusion...Jerry

I've noticed the same problem with the quote feature. There seems to be a delay with the message box setting up the text correctly. I got kicked out of a couple of messages I was trying to quote unless I waited 8 or 9 seconds before typing.

I dig puzzles so I couldn't resist working on it further [8-|]

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You like puzzles eh? Well it's obviously not as exciting as a puzzle with a NIB as the reward, but here's my favourite puzzle in case you're looking for a challenge ...

You walk into a room that contains 12 sealed NIB Sand Scorchers (bought for a cool $5100 USD naturally). Unfortunately, you know that only one of the boxes is actually a real "factory shrink wrapped" Sand Scorcher kit (yes, yes, I know they never really shrink wrapped them). The other 11 Scorcher boxes all contain the parts out of a re-release brat. The fake NISB Sand Scorchers feel and sound the same as the real one - but the REAL Sand Scorcher is a slightly different weight than the fakes. Not different enough to tell by hand .... but fortunately, the room also contains a large balance (scale) sensitive enough to detect the difference.

The balance can hold as many (or as few) kits as you want: so you can put 6 on one side, and 6 on the other, and tell which are heavier. Remember, it's a balance, so you can only tell which of two sets of things is heavier than another set of things. You can't read off the actual weight.

You can only use the scale THREE times. The kits are labelled 1 through 12. How can you use the scale to find the Sand Scorcher no matter which of the 12 boxes it is in? (and just for completeness, if you solve it thoroughly, you can also tell whether it was heavier or lighter than the brats)

Oh, and you're not allowed to open the kits (or ultrasound/metal detect/x-ray them for those who like to attack their puzzles more laterally)

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Guest DImblum
You like puzzles eh? Well it's obviously not as exciting as a puzzle with a NIB as the reward, but here's my favourite puzzle in case you're looking for a challenge ...

You walk into a room that contains 12 sealed NIB Sand Scorchers (bought for a cool $5100 USD naturally). Unfortunately, you know that only one of the boxes is actually a real "factory shrink wrapped" Sand Scorcher kit (yes, yes, I know they never really shrink wrapped them). The other 11 Scorcher boxes all contain the parts out of a re-release brat. The fake NISB Sand Scorchers feel and sound the same as the real one - but the REAL Sand Scorcher is a slightly different weight than the fakes. Not different enough to tell by hand .... but fortunately, the room also contains a large balance (scale) sensitive enough to detect the difference.

The balance can hold as many (or as few) kits as you want: so you can put 6 on one side, and 6 on the other, and tell which are heavier. Remember, it's a balance, so you can only tell which of two sets of things is heavier than another set of things. You can't read off the actual weight.

You can only use the scale THREE times. The kits are labelled 1 through 12. How can you use the scale to find the Sand Scorcher no matter which of the 12 boxes it is in? (and just for completeness, if you solve it thoroughly, you can also tell whether it was heavier or lighter than the brats)

Oh, and you're not allowed to open the kits (or ultrasound/metal detect/x-ray them for those who like to attack their puzzles more laterally)

Oh, no! I would have to be a math puzzle! This sounds like a puzzle of exclusion (kinda like the one where you need to fill the jugs with water). If both sides balance, then I can exclude those kits leaving only the remaining kits to compare. Problem is, I don't physically have the kits in front of me, so it has to be answered in a way where all the kits are properly compared with three steps..

I think I can get this when I'm home from work today. Stay tuned for an answer [^o)] 

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could you put the boxes numbered 1-6 on one side of the scale and the boxes 7-12 on the otherside. Then which every side is heaviest leave one the scales and move the lighter boxes away. Then could you maybe put 3 boxes on one side and the other 3 on the other side and the side that has the lightest boxes take them away so you are left with 3 boxes.

And then i dont know what to do. Is my idea totally wrong?


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That would only work if you knew whether the real scorcher is lighter or heavier than the fakes. Without knowing that, you can't really decide to put either of the first 6 away - is that side going down because the Scorcher is heavier than the fakes, and hence, I can ignore the lighter 6? Or is the other side going up because the Scorcher is lighter than the fakes, and hence I can ignore the heavier 6?


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I can do it in 4, can't see how to do it in 3 YET!

 That's closer than a lot of people get =)


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Heck! this is hard.

 I can't get it down from 4 goes.  I'll get there in the end though, even if it kills me!

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You GIT!!!  [:D][:D]

It's now 2:15am and I've just looked up the solution![:|]

Very good, but I'd have never have got it without help, it's been a long time since I've done pure maths at that level.

Well done...you got me.

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Hehehe - it told you it was a good'un!

I take it you just googled the "12 Sand Scorcher problem"? =)

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Guest DImblum

Aww man. It's true, I found the solution online and would have racked my brain trying to figure it out.

Here is one of the hardest riddles I have ever heard in my life. The solution defies logic and instead is a "play on words". You can likely find the solution on the internet, but just in case.....

"You are in a room with no windows and no doors and the room is completely sealed on all sides. The object is to find a way out of the room. The only objects in the room are a picture hanging on the wall and a table standing in the middle."

"How do you get out of the room?"





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I've been away for a while from TC.....I was still watching gold prices EACH day!! [:(] it came close to $600 a few times.... well...too bad and congrats gordb!

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I'd go ahead and open both doors - that Kangaroo will be dinner before getting in the way of my NIB Tamiya!

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