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25 minutes ago, Grumpy pants said:

Said goodbye to the MB01 kit today and met a new to me TC member 😎

I’m looking forward to picking up the Grasshopper build again and moving that forward, hopefully this coming Friday evening 👍 

I think you'll enjoy your Grasshopper more than you would have enjoyed that MB01!

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Today I made and installed an antenna holder for another car. Of course, one of these beautiful antenna caps was a must. 🙂



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After some frustratingly long spells & broken concentration in between trying to carry on with the Giulia body it was a relief to finally hit it with a bit more paint today. Still a way to go but at least the more paint that does get on it is the less amount of masking for the next..


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3 minutes ago, Re-Bugged said:

After some frustratingly long spells & broken concentration in between trying to carry on with the Giulia body it was a relief to finally hit it with a bit more paint today. Still a way to go but at least the more paint that does get on it is the less amount of masking for the next..


My favorite livery for a trackgoing italiano. I have a Polistil Fiat 131 Abarth slotcar from back then, which I loved, so I am quite biased. I'm looking forward to see how this ends up. 

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Well I’d like to say there is a plan, but I can’t @Andreas W 😂 just winging it from here now.

There’s some very nice Concept Alitalia’s ideas on Pinterest which is where I got some inspiration from.

Got a bit of cleaning up to do, but so far this where I’m at…


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1 hour ago, Re-Bugged said:

Well I’d like to say there is a plan, but I can’t @Andreas W 😂 just winging it from here now.

There’s some very nice Concept Alitalia’s ideas on Pinterest which is where I got some inspiration from.

Got a bit of cleaning up to do, but so far this where I’m at…


you have more patience than an Inner London GP @Re-Bugged and more skill than, well, me for starters!

really looking forward to seeing this - looks fantastic as it is now!

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13 hours ago, Gun Slinger 393 said:

Made a quick stop in the model shop for a battery on the way home, other purchases where made 


Um, where's the battery....? ;)


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I spent some quality time with Socky (CR-01) today - pinion and rear servo position adjusted. And a bit of Socky racing indoors to top it off - yeehaa! :D

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First was model club meeting after dinner.


Brought for the show and tell, the WR-02G and 'World Fastest Bumblebee' MG Evo built for the upcoming show.

Then after the meeting, I swapped the radio gear in the FTX Buzzsaw to the new HotRC just delivered today.


I was hoping that the RX will send battery voltage back to the TX like the CT-8A I have, which will allow me to do away with a lipo alarm, but I cannot seem to get the RSSI to work on this one.



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We managed a Tarmac running day today!


A couple of TC members may recognise their former rides here.

Unfortunately, the Lancia had limited running as it had a considerable pull to the right which I couldn't dial out from my tx.

A shame but it meant we could save the battery for the M cars. My battery woes continue - two of my four Overlander packs charged poorly and didn't last, like the trouble I had with my GensAce packs last time. It may be that my batteries are quite old now (the overlanders date back to me starting in 2014?!) or my charger (also from 2014) is on the blink. 

For some reason my Swift rally blocks were on an M03 so I brought the Swift shell...which of course didn't fit. 

Lots of fun running M03 Vs M07. El kid loved the 7 - I didn't get a look in - and I marvelled at the quiet gears, stable running, and super sharp direction changes. The old M03 felt (and sounded) quite agricultural by comparison!


The M07 is our new fave!

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3 hours ago, Badcrumble said:

We managed a Tarmac running day today!


A couple of TC members may recognise their former rides here.

Unfortunately, the Lancia had limited running as it had a considerable pull to the right which I couldn't dial out from my tx.

A shame but it meant we could save the battery for the M cars. My battery woes continue - two of my four Overlander packs charged poorly and didn't last, like the trouble I had with my GensAce packs last time. It may be that my batteries are quite old now (the overlanders date back to me starting in 2014?!) or my charger (also from 2014) is on the blink. 

For some reason my Swift rally blocks were on an M03 so I brought the Swift shell...which of course didn't fit. 

Lots of fun running M03 Vs M07. El kid loved the 7 - I didn't get a look in - and I marvelled at the quiet gears, stable running, and super sharp direction changes. The old M03 felt (and sounded) quite agricultural by comparison!


The M07 is our new fave!

Great seeing the M07 getting used and enjoyed 👍

It looks good as well 💥

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Just chilling tonight, everyone’s out and Radio 1 is on 😎

Put @lupogtiboy stuff together for when he pops over onThursday and gathered up the 2 x TT02’s that are going on eBay this weekend. 

Ordered my 1st piece of styrene for the Rough Rider shell as well.

Honestly, simple pleasures 100% happy.


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I was pleased to get an opportunity to run it @Grumpy pants. Such a great car, and a very similar colour to my Dad's old Bluebird! The step up from the M03 was obvious and it ran well despite the dusty and dirty tarmac. 

I'd like to run it back-to-back with my hopped-up M05RA, it looks a lot less twitchy (or maybe el kid is a smoother driver than me?!).

Good luck with the TT02s. I wish I had some room for one of them but I'm maxed out!

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Been on a BIG mini 4wd tip recently, with many projects not the go, and many Pounds sent to prop up the Japanese economy.

Today I finally got round to painting and decorating this Wildsaurus body, which I will be racing body for a hugely hoped up Wild Mini 4wd that I plan to race at the next UK Mini 4wd get together. I did most of the work, but in consultation with my 8-year old daughter, who is a huge WIldsaurus fan. Today she asked me if we could have a whole fleet of them with different paint jobs and tune-up options. I was unable to say no.

I'm planning to get as many of the available tune-up parts as possible for this, and to run a ridiculous Plasma Dash motor. Apparently they are hard to keep on the track with fast motors and the high speed gear set, so we shall see!

  • Wildsauraus kit
  • Avante Junior Dress up sticker set
  • A few things from other dress-up sticker sets (Dash 1 Empreror, Saint Dragon, Rising Bird)
    • FACTS: The Rising Bird has the same Number '5' on the dress up sticker sheet as used not he Avante Black special). It's hidden my pick, but it's a lovely 5 indeed!
  • Ball Bearing hub-cap roller
  • Plasmas Dash Motor
  • Sponge tires set
  • High seeped gear set (on order from the US for way too much money, these are super hard to find unless you are able to buy things from Indonesia!)
  • Hard shafts and side rollers if I can get them. The rollers seem especially hard to find, apart from a glut of the things in New Zealand.

I also discovered the other day that you can get a body catch set for the AR chassis that allows the fitting of any wild mini body onto a standard mini 4wd AR chassis. This opens many options. On the look out for a cheep monster beetle body now …




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Fitted some stupidly big shocks to my DT-02 HB.



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It's been a while since I've driven any on-roaders, I forgot how well the M06 holds the road compared to older M chassis or the MB01.


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worked on my static models, then got my new lipo rx packs in the mail. Well got half of what I ordered gonna have to look into that. Then took my newley restored vintage tmaxx out for a run. Turns out the modded 3.3 I build is wayy too much power for the old short and skinny maxx. Well also it has super hard trinity monster truck springs and only 30 weight oil so its pretty bouncy lol. 

Because its vintage and drives like a giant overpowered lunchbox its kind of comically awesome in a way. But i thrashed the ez start wires to the extended body posts I made so I really need to be careful and get a wheelie bar.



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After a long time I gave my TT02B some attention again. I cleaned the shocks and reassembled them using X-rings and Green Slime. And I decided to remove the paint from the windows. I like it much better than before.






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5 hours ago, Kowalski86 said:

It's been a while since I've driven any on-roaders, I forgot how well the M06 holds the road compared to older M chassis or the MB01.


The Martini livery looks really good on the Alpine body 👍

I’ve never driven an M06, but I get the feeling it’s a learning curve to get the best out of it. 


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2 hours ago, Grumpy pants said:

The Martini livery looks really good on the Alpine body 👍

I’ve never driven an M06, but I get the feeling it’s a learning curve to get the best out of it. 


Thats partly why I picked it up, somone had done a nice job mixing Martini and Alpine decals to pull that off.

The M06 drives like an old-buggy (rear motor rwd), just lower and more planted. The CoG is very low with a shell like this.

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My continuing search for space in the house took a turn today as I sorted out the cupboard under the stairs and moved a lot of the fleet away. I still need to find a home for three of the cars as my wife disagrees quite strongly on them making nice ornaments for the sideboard.


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