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Bin ^jammin^

Gah! Trying To Buy Tamiya Ps-56 Paint In The Uk!?!

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Well since i won the Unimog in the last competition i've been struggling to decide what colour scheme to go with.

After not being able to find any reference photos of local forestry commission mogs, i've decided to paint it in the new PS - 56 Mustard Yellow.

This would seem to be easier said than done as i can't find anyone in the UK who stocks it.

Why do we have such a poor Tamiya back up/parts support here in Blighty? Don't answer that i know, foreign internet shops, yadda yadda....

Anyway this isn't a rant i just wondered if any of you have found anywhere that stocks PS-56 here in England?

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Well since i won the Unimog in the last competition i've been struggling to decide what colour scheme to go with.

After not being able to find any reference photos of local forestry commission mogs, i've decided to paint it in the new PS - 56 Mustard Yellow.

This would seem to be easier said than done as i can't find anyone in the UK who stocks it.

Why do we have such a poor Tamiya back up/parts support here in Blighty? Don't answer that i know, foreign internet shops, yadda yadda....

Anyway this isn't a rant i just wondered if any of you have found anywhere that stocks PS-56 here in England?

Well accordingy to my LHS you wont find any tamiya spray in blighty til next year!! :P

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Well accordingy to my LHS you wont find any tamiya spray in blighty til next year!! :P

Dag nabit, i was hoping that wouldn't be the case, but seems yet again we're second class citizens! :)

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I saw one the other day in Southampton City Council livery - taking down trees on the Common. Could try and get a pic of that if you like!

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I saw one the other day in Southampton City Council livery - taking down trees on the Common. Could try and get a pic of that if you like!

Yes please, i would love to see if it's how i remember, maybe i could get some other colour paints to match it.

I used to live off the avenue and saw the Unimog often. :P

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I am sure I read on an eBay ad that the paint was going to be available from the 1st Jan...

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It's a poor show that new Tamiya PS paint just isn't available here in the UK, i'm a bit miffed with it really.

I think i'll try a company in Germany, that Chain Driven has suggested to see if they'll post some over the water. (wanders off muttering under the breath)

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It's a poor show that new Tamiya PS paint just isn't available here in the UK, i'm a bit miffed with it really.
Nothing to do with the UK, it's because the labels didn't meet EC regulations so they were all recalled throughout Europe.

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Nothing to do with the UK, it's because the labels didn't meet EC regulations so they were all recalled throughout Europe.

Oh bummer, so even the shop in germany won't have them until new year either :lol:

Thanks for the info Terry.

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Nonono, German shops have put extra labels on existing cans and they keep selling.

I have bought nearly 15 cans from them in the last months.


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Only TS and AS spray paints were recalled, not the Polycarbonate PS range.

I can only guess that PS-56 paint is 'new' so is on a big container ship on its way over to the UK with the relabelled TS and AS spray paints. The reason I think it's 'new' is that on looking at a model shop website the PS paints available go up to number 54, Cobalt Green.

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Yes please, i would love to see if it's how i remember, maybe i could get some other colour paints to match it.

I used to live off the avenue and saw the Unimog often. :D

I'm still working on this for you. Suffice to say it will be white and blue with the SCC logo from www.southampton.gov.uk

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I'm still working on this for you. Suffice to say it will be white and blue with the SCC logo from www.southampton.gov.uk

Thanks i really appreciate you trying to get this photo for me. Answering your earlier question, as far as i know there isn't an equivalent PS mustard yellow paint available.

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