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Nimh Peak Charging

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I just got my peak charger today in the mail, it is a dynamite Prophet Plus LCD. The first time I charged my battery with it I made sure it was drained completely with my old charger which is a Hobbico 905. The battery I am charging is a radioshack 3300mah. I set the charger for 3.3A and kept an eye on the mah that was being put into the battery and it went all the way to 3400mah and it was still going and I decided to stop the charger, the battery just mildly warm. The next charge i just ran it dead it my truck until the motor would no longer turn. It went above 3500mah this time and again it was just mildly warm. Is there something wrong with the charger or is this common or is it possible that my battery can just hold higher than its rated capacity? This is my first time using a peak charger so I just want to make sure it is working properly.

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My GP3300 cells peak at about 3700-3800.

As long as the cells don't get hot, you'll be fine.

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Sounds normal. Some of that mah is being used up in the form of heat, so the battery may only be storing the 3300mah. My 4100 lipo takes 4250mah to recharge and doesn't get warm at all. Be happy, imagine if your new 3300mah battery only took 3000mah, you'd be peeved.

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My GP3300 cells peak at about 3700-3800.

As long as the cells don't get hot, you'll be fine.

I will let it go till it actually peaks next time. I was just afraid to damage the battery before. Do yours normally get warm?

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yes they get warm. from about 3000 onwards. I am guessing they were very close to peaking.

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I drained it again by running the truck dead. This time I didn't stop the charger and it peaked at 3865mah. It was hotter than I had felt it before. Thanks for the advice!

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just but in here nimh's dont need to be fully discharged like older nicad packs, running it completey flat problebly will do it much good in the long term, correct me anyone.

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Completely discharging nimhs will damage them, you shouldn't discharge them below 0.9v per cell. By coincidence this works out at 5.4v for the whole pack, which is about the same voltage that a car stops moving at.

Running your car or truck until it slows to a crawl is about the right amount you should discharge it to.

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