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Aren't you contributing to the whinging by whinging about the whinging?

In any subject, fans will be the hardest critics.

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It suxs!


i liked the orginal better

Your opinion doesn't count. I like the Striker more passionately than YOU.



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I don't like cats, therefore the opinion of anyone who keeps cats doesn't count on that basis alone.

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Cats > Dogs.

I don't like dogs. Dog owners are generally inconsiderate cretins. And I could never trust anything that was that enthusiastic about everything all the time. If a dog was a person, it'd be that annoying brainless idiot called Sharon in the typing pool who starts every sentance with "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" and who still thinks the internet is "sooooo amaaazzziinngg!!!!"

Cats are with their humans because they choose to be. Dogs are with their humans because they don't know any different.

A cat has been there, done that and probably been sick on it, which is why they look so pleased with themselves all the time.

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Dogs have owners, cats have staff!

Winston Churchill reportedly said, "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us, cats look down on us. But pigs treat us as equals."

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I'd rather come home from work to be greeted by my dog with stupid unconditional love rather than a cat's "you took your time - where's my food?"...

Besides, cats -> furballs. Seriously? No thanks...

Dog owners are generally inconsiderate cretins.

A tad strong, I feel :) - When was the last time you saw somebody clean up after their cat?

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I'd rather come home from work to be greeted by my dog with stupid unconditional love rather than a cat's "you took your time - where's my food?"...

Besides, cats -> furballs. Seriously? No thanks...

A tad strong, I feel :) - When was the last time you saw somebody clean up after their cat?

That's why I said "generally". I live in a neighbourhood full of inconsiderate cretinous dog owners who think it's ok to let their dogs continually bark their heads off at anything that breathes too loudly.

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Wow! Look out Jimmy Page! Hulk Hogan? Who knew?

Well he is a real american whose fighting for the rights of every man.

Don't forget to say your prayers and eat your vitamins brother!

P.s Did he also want us to drink milk? Can't remember.

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I just moaned at the wife for leaving beetroot juice slopped on the top of the cream granite work surface. Far too strong to be a whinge, definitely two feet firmly in the moan camp.

I mean come on! Beetroot juice is as bad as red wine for stains like that.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :angry:

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"Buzzz... Oh, Hi. Can't believe i've missed this thread. Buzzzz..."

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