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Vehicle 'Type' Decals? Any Around?

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I wonder if across all of your eyes anybody has seen recently any decals for sale that simple state the name of the (Tamiya) vehicle? Ideally replicating the font Tamiya used on the box.

Some decal sets (e.g. The Egress) actually came with reasonable ones but no spares. Others, such as the Sand Scorcher come with none.

I'm looking for a few for my displays... any ideas or pointers?

1/10 scale would work but tbh, scale is not so important.

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use google, tons of options.

Okay, I'll take the bait, can you give me an example successful search string? I failed.

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I wonder if across all of your eyes anybody has seen recently any decals for sale that simple state the name of the (Tamiya) vehicle? Ideally replicating the font Tamiya used on the box.

Some decal sets (e.g. The Egress) actually came with reasonable ones but no spares. Others, such as the Sand Scorcher come with none.

I'm looking for a few for my displays... any ideas or pointers?

1/10 scale would work but tbh, scale is not so important.

If you can get scans of the titles/names, then they can be converted to a vector file and be printed as custom decals at companies such as PandaGFX ;) I have Adobe Illustrator and I could do it, but it could be a long wait: I have an assignment for a custom decal set first and school is making my life very busy! :(

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Which vehicle are you looking for?

I do my decals with decal paper and as Origineelreclamebord does, I used Illustrator. Most fonts you can find with a bit of searching. Occasionally you will have to buy one.

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As a start I'd be looking for:

Dyna Storm



Top Force Evolution

Sand Scorcher

M-01 +text

M-03 +text

M-05 +text

My alternative is to get metal plates etched/stencilled but I was thinking decals first as I hoped they would be less expensive... if I didn't like them not much loss.

Approx 50mm x 30mm but this is flexible.

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