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Build thread forum?

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I hope this is the correct place to ask this question.

I've noticed on other message boards that a lot of them have "Build Thread Forums". They are great to search and look at for information.

This seems like a great idea, as I do see build threads here on TC (And like to do them myself), but people here put them in random forums (myself included).

Would there be any reason to consider a "Build Threads" forum? Like the Re-re forum or Vintage forum?



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I love to see other peoples restorations and recreations. My skills dont extend to the level of some of the scale builders, but I'd contribute a few threads.

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This would be handy . + i have always through that we need a how to forum , would be great .

So we could go back & look ( like HOW to remove paint ) , what grease , how to paint , 3rd shock LB

etc . All in one spot . This would also stop the asking all the time .

It would help out easy .

Admin could move the how to, To a locked page/forum , So we don't end up with a mess . :o .

So one page can be a submit the how to & the other can have the good stuff in it locked .

Would be a great reference page/forum , that alot of us i'm sure would use .

Thanks .

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Its good idea . Having all the builds and how to's within the one forum makes sence

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It's a good idea. If it's not a re-re, monster truck or big rig, where do you post your build? Sometimes interesting builds just get lost in 'General Discussions'.

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+1 Great idea. That would narrow your searching for sure.

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I'm almost wondering if Admin are round these days ?.

Must be working away to come up with bruiser money :D or something .

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Yep, I would use it. As it is my build thread is in re-re discussions simply becasue it is a re-re, but a build thread forum would be more appropriate.

C'mon TC guys, make it so :lol:

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Good idea.

Would make a good reference for standard builds, and a good place to look for inspiration for those heavily custom builds as well. Perhaps the existing forums could be trawled for build threads and have them moved into a separate forum to create a 'database' of existing build threads, to act as a start point..

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Very time consuming to load up and link photos back to TC from TCphotos. I've done a few build threads.

If this was made easier it would encourage people to do more of these. Here is one of mine:


Also have a read of the earlier threads on the subject. There is a link in that thread to an even older one:


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Good idea, but maybe call it 'Tech forum' which could cover more than just 'build', eg Repairs, Hot-ups, Conversions, Workarounds etc.



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I've read through the old thread which is 'pre' my joining TC, and for me personally, I prefer to post build threads in the forum. As most of what I build is either heavily modified or scratch built, it takes me a long time to complete a build. My King tiger thread is over a year old and I still haven't finished the build. For me, I post build threads in the forum as I like to get peoples feedback on what I am doing, and am able to post replies to their coments, etc. Also, when a long build is dragging, it provides motivation to get on with the next bit knowing people are interested in what I am doing and are waiting to see progress on it. Quite often when posting items in the showroom they disappear off the front page after a couple of hours on a busy posting night, so if you don't look at TC every night you will miss what goes into bits of a build, but it is easy for people to have email notifications of when I have made an update to a build thread in a forum. I think that the chat and replies and wandering off with side issues are what make build threads interesting.

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Mad Inventor - I totally agree with you (And love your metal tank build!)

We just need a specific forum for "Build threads"...

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Mad Inventor - I totally agree with you (And love your metal tank build!)

We just need a specific forum for "Build threads"...

Yes, yes, yes.

And thanks for the comments on the tank. I'm still working on it, but its very slow now I have a lot less spare time. Will be more progress and an update soon though. Liked the build thread you did on the truck. Nice interior detail.

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