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Peeve about the pronunciation of "Tamiya"

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Text book pronunciation is effected by accent...

*bursts into flame* :angry:

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I'm not going to answer everything here, because I don't feel everything requires one, but in answer to the key points of your post:

I went off at a tangent about people who correct you, not to help you out but to make them feel superior, these type of people tend not to have any reason to feel good by making others feel bad, personal experience.
With the example there and their, my mind tends to put it into context with the rest of the text, I can understand if you feel that is lazy by the poster, it could be a typo as you say or it could be a failing of the school system.

For the record, I tend not to correct people unless their consistent errors begin to grate. As I've said the "theres" I do tend to let slide simply because lots of people get them wrong, but I still can't help inwardly grinding my teeth when I see it. When I read "their", subconsciously I read that as "third person collective possessive". If I read "there" I read it as a word describing the placement or position of something, thus if one is put where the other one should be, my mind and reading eye have to stop and reinterpret the words I'm seeing which interupts the flow. THAT is the point I'm making about ineffective written communication, and THAT is why it irritates me so much.

Text book pronunciation is effected by accent, as with phonetic pronunciation, funny to me, maybe not to any one else.

Irrelevant. A word is still spelled the same irrespective of the dialect used to speak it.

I find it a little ironic that you find it so irritating that you feel you have to indite a section of population as idiots, because they do what is seen to be done by others and is 'cool', but when I point out that your leaving out RPG from MMORPG would have made it much clearer, to me, you suggest googling it. Is it not much more of an irritation for me to stop mid read because you have included a shorted version of an string of letters that are not general knowledge, but I happen to be aware of the longer version. Your excuse, that it is a generally accepted term amongst those 'in the know' seems a bit ironic to me.

In all honesty I can sort of see the point you're making here, but I still don't agree with it. Essentially you're saying that in a group of people who use established shortened versions of terms that they are used to is no different to a bunch of kids who all talk to each other in text speak; or using established acronyms is logically no different than lazy abbreviations. It amounts to the same thing, I suppose and that is the danger that anyone outside that group or not party to those established acronyms won't have a clue what that group is talking about. I work in IT, an industry abound with acronyms that mean absolutely nothing to anyone else that isn't aware of DNS, TCP, UDP, DHCP, AD, NAP, NCP or all the countless others. Do I sound like a pretentious idiot to someone outside of the industry when I'm talking to a colleague? Probably. Is it right that just because those abbreviations have been coined by a more "official" source that they're any more valid than those coined by a bunch of kids who want to type more quickly via messenger or their mobiles? Perhaps not.

Maybe I'm just stoically and somewhat stubbornly insisting on what is "right" with one part of daily life when so many of the other things in it seem to be degenerating. Ever watched the film "Idiocracy"? If not, I would suggest doing so. It's a superb and I think scarily accurate assessment of the way the world is and the way it's going.

Is it possible for someone, (I'm not saying you) to miss a point, if they are to busy examining the delivery rather than content. I may have put in, there instead of their, someplace, if I'm writing off the top of my head, late at night when I probably should have been asleep instead. I do make a lot of errors, sometimes I miss a few, but I'm not looking to get graded on my spelling, I may look like an idiot to some because of it, but does that really matter?

I do understand that nobody (even me! :o ) is perfect and everyone makes mistakes for all the reasons that you mention. I do also understand what you mean about step back and see what the person is saying rather than the minutae about how they deliver it, but you have to ask yourself two things. Firstly, at what point do you stop and say "hold on a minute, human error is one thing, but there are so many mistakes in what you've written, I really can't understand anything you've said at all"? It's a "look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves" scenario, otherwise it's just an ever more slippery slope that you put yourself on.

Secondly, internet forums are notorious for people being misunderstood about what they are saying at the best of times, but if the information that they're trying to convey is further scrambled because they can't be bothered to make the effort and spell things properly, or are lazy in the way that they do it what hope do we have? So yes. It DOES matter!

The point is you wouldn't correct someone with a lisp or stutter but that is the convention now, years ago people did all kinds of things to make people 'normal' it is the people who try to do this we need to keep an eye out for, as the convention changes our idea of what is helpful can and these are with qualified people, again I'm not suggesting you are one of those people, we are just debating points.

There is a very large disctinction between people who can't spell or speak properly because of a condition that prevents them from doing so and people who can't be bothered. It's not a question of enforcing normality.

I would want my will spelt correctly any important document, if I was writing a letter, even formal emails, but a forum talking about basically toys or games, I think I can let it slide. If I were working for Tamiya I would correct my spelling before submitting work.

I don't make any distinction between the two. Granted, I'm probably more likely to more extensively check my grammar and spelling in a job application letter than I am this post, but I always try to express myself coherently and eloquently whatever the situation. And that's not saying necessarily that I'm always successful.

I don't suggest we abandon the basics in all walks of life, but make room to expand what we consider language to be as with MMO, ( a universally accepted acronym, in certain circles, or is it in the latest edition of the Oxford English?) when I first became aware they were MMORPGs, I had played ARPGs and turn based RPGs on a SNES as they were known at the time. I would not expect all of the readers on here to be aware of action role playing games,or the fact that the turn is a turn in battle, on a Super Nintendo Entertainment System, so I would not expect them to google it, I would explain, even if that included spelling mistakes. I never suggested you were a hypocrite, just it was funny that you were annoyed at peoples' spelling claiming it would lead to misunderstanding, then leaving of three letters lead to my confusion, again amusing to me. I could have been 'Mozarts' Magnificent Order' for all I knew and the point being it is a lot easier to guess a mis-spelt word in the context of the text than an acronym, unless you know or it's in context. I don't think I'm wrong in saying on an Tamiya rc forum, you may not be aware of the latest accepted use of MMO, maybe I am.

In my defence, I was essentially having a conversation with Sayer in which he referred to MMOs. Had I been making a more general post to the forum as a whole I probably would have used something more generic.

If you can't comment on, if not being able to spell makes me an idiot, says more about you than me.

Actually, I didn't comment because I didn't want to make anything about this disagreement personal. I was a little confused about some of the points you were making and their relevance to what we were talking about. If I remember rightly, the full context of what you said went along the lines of "being in an idiot is more about what I do than how I spell it". I'll leave it at that.

This thread being about pronunciation has everything to do with speech less to do with the written word, as I said I really need to hear how Tamiya is said correctly, as reading phonetic spelling on a page doesn't mean I will be pronouncing it correctly, I was trying to stick with the pronunciation as much as possible as that is what Yello had posted.

Yes, this thread started off about how a word is pronounced, but at the time it'd moved on to the written word.

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Ok then Steel Rat, Yello opened with pronunciation, and started off the phonetic spelling, I find this amusing a) because I can't spell so it, doesn't help me much :( because I imagine we are all reading the phonetics one way but each saying it either out loud or in our head slightly differently.

I think we can agree on what we do and disagree on what we do not, I have enjoyed the ride, no hard feelings Steel Rat. BTW is that from 2000AD?

Thanks Yello, sorry for the high-jacking, and all you other posters, I found you responses gave me a grin and got me thinking. I hope I have brought a bit of enjoyment to others as well.

Oh and I normally read the posts in my own voice, I might start giving you all accents now :)

Cheers skywhelp

Hi Steel Rat,

I think I made it quite clear did not looking for, require, or want, in fact need any answer except is your name from 2000AD. 'I enjoyed the ride, no hard feelings', implies it's over.

If you wish to continue you spelling crusade, good for you, but make sure the person hasn't already told you, that you have done all you need to do to justify yourself and your points to them already, well you can, but not when it comes to me. :D I get it already just don't agree :)

Fair warning for future talks I think, or I could say 'I'm holding up white flag, stop firing' just to make it crystal clear to you.

You accent has been upgraded accordingly, :)

Jonny Retro, nice one

P.S. Just so you know, this is one of the idiotic things I do, entering into talking when I should be asleep. If I have sounded unduly harsh, in is not intended to be serious, you are welcome to accept my olive branch and move on.

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Hi Steel Rat,

I think I made it quite clear did not looking for, require, or want, in fact need any answer except is your name from 2000AD. 'I enjoyed the ride, no hard feelings', implies it's over.

If you wish to continue you spelling crusade, good for you, but make sure the person hasn't already told you, that you have done all you need to do to justify yourself and your points to them already, well you can, but not when it comes to me. <_< I get it already just don't agree :)

Fair warning for future talks I think, or I could say 'I'm holding up white flag, stop firing' just to make it crystal clear to you.

You accent has been upgraded accordingly, :)

Jonny Retro, nice one

P.S. Just so you know, this is one of the idiotic things I do, entering into talking when I should be asleep. If I have sounded unduly harsh, in is not intended to be serious, you are welcome to accept my olive branch and move on.

Are you for real? "I've finished now, so please don't reply". You give me a page of additional points which still miss the mark and expect me to do as I'm told and run along well and truly put in my place? Did you honestly think that was going to work? Pulleeeeeease!

Oh and no, SteelRat isn't from 2000AD. The Stainless Steel Rat was created by Harry Harrison and there was a series of novels that featured him as the central character, but I believe he was used in 2000AD

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Thanks I thought I'd seen it in 2000ad. I didn't expect you not to reply but in your haste to put your point across you didn't answer the question you now have. If you are to busy trying to change my attitude you missed the question or ignored it. That was a point I had made early on.

I gave you an extra page because you wouldn't let it lie, I am allowed to have a point of view that is not yours.

I said we could disagree on the things we don't agree on, but you still wanted to respond to my points.

If points are made I don't think they need a reply. If I have failed to make the point and can no longer be bothered entering into any further discussion that is my right just as it is your to continue.

I responded to you saying you didn't like my 'let it go attitude' to if someone understands you, there is no need to be little them in the way they correct you. It was not at you personally and about speaking in shops, but some how in the same thread you can mention me but your conversation with Sayer is private hence no need for you to say MMORGP as Sayer used MMO. But I read you post and responded to it did not fit into your rules.

Sorry to burst your bubble, you are not the rule maker, you even said it matters if people think I'm an idiot because I don't spell correctly in a forum when I said I don't care who thinks I'm an idiot I hold no weight to peoples bad opinion of me, I'm not here to be judged and better myself by other peoples judgements.

Perhaps if you go back and read my posts with a calmer attitude you will understand a bit more perhaps not.

It would seem to me a little point less trying to prove your right and they are wrong, to someone who has already conceded you are entitled to your view but they simply don't agree, you are of welcome to carry on but don't expect me to carry on exchanging points when neither of us will have or opinion changed. It would be a waste of my time but you might think it is a good use of yours.

Cheers skywhelp

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