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showroom problem

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Hi hope this gets to someone who knows what to do. I had 3 cars in my showroom, now i only have 1 visible. The other 2 can only be viewed by clicking on the remaining visible car & then scrolling to the bottom of the page where is says "you may also like". I havn"t changed any settings it just happened. Any ideas how to correct this would be helpful, thanks.

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Hi there!

Well, I'm checking your TC, and I see nothing wrong with it. I think you just have to get used to it.

Your cars (all three) appear when you check the tabs on top. Click on "showroom" and there they are, and so are your [potential] movies, trades, favorites, and comments (they're on the other tabs, from left to right).

Other important thing you should be aware is the fact that you need to click the green "tick" to make the fellow TCer comments on your cars visible, otherwise none would be able to read the opinions and comments left there for your models. Trust me, the experience is GREAT. ;)

Cheers, mate! :)

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Thanks a lot for checking my page. Its good that you can see all 3 cars, odd thing is when i'm logged in i can only see Pipas sand rover & not the other 2. Seems to be a glitch on my page, thanks again. :wacko:

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You may need to going your settings , as you may have put your cars in a profile

That you have opted not to see .

I can see your cars as well .

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