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Scania R620 + MFC-03 + Futaba T8J problems

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Hi, first time here on the forum so go easy on me :)


I own a lovely "Tamiya Scania R620" truck with the "MFC-03" and a "Futaba T8J" radio.

Currently everything is built and connected but im struggling to find/get all functions to work.

Things like "forward, backwards, selecting gear 1-2-3, start, horn, flashing lights, indicators" works fine.

But when trying to get all other things to work its a hit or miss.

Been reading all the manual for everything 3 times but biggest problem seems to find a function and then add/map it to a radio button.

I found this video that seems like the perfect match, but havent been able to contact the owner.



Please, anyone out there with any advice how to map the radio buttons?


Thanks and best regards.


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Would I be correct in assuming that your problem is working out how to access the MFC-03's "special functions" without having manual trims is what you are having trouble with??

I have a Turnigy 9X, so I wont be able to help you with how to program your Futaba T8J, but I will tell you how I got around the problem of not having manual trims..

Basically, what you need to do is to use the mixing function and the dual rates to access the special functions..

First, if applicable, set the model to Aircraft.. (The Helicopter function had some really weird mixing already setup in it).. Then basically what I did was set the dual rate / Exp on all 4 axis / movements of both sticks to 80% travel.. Then centre the steering and gearshift, and also the servo travel by moving the linkages, or using the sub trim and end points in the radio.. Then I mixed in the additional 20% to each of those 4 axis / movements using the switches on the top of the radio..

Here is a YouTube movie of how to do it with a Spektrum radio that may help..


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