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What's the rarest vintage R/C item you own?

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I have 4 pieces of brand new vintage spike tyres from my 1988 Avante which I had them dusted with talcum powder to preserve the rubber. The first layer of talcum powder is also 30 years old 😄 .

I didn't use the spike tyres as it looked great as pin-point sharp and it's a pity to see them wear off into a knob. I had hoped that one day I could use them for display when I retire my Avante to the shelf. 

Till now, I have yet to display my 1988 Avante as it lies in a box, so the tyres are still arranged in its original box and looking as new as before.

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Hi all, I think we all have several rare items in our collection, one of the rarest items i can imagine are the tires for the Blazing blazer or Wild Willy. Bitd I bought several of them for a project that never came to an end, and so i have 12 BB or WW tires in a box, waiting to be used for my WW and BB restoration projects.


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Nice tires I have about 6 spare ones right now.


Think mine went from the Street Devil, to the Pajero, to now the 58007 Lambo Cheetah....

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My rarest one is probably one of the least valuable too.

It's a Presto/Toy House "Peerless Hercules" and is bascially an exact clone of the Nikko Hawg/Thor truck chassis with a different body. This company made all sorts of clones of Toy grade and hobby grade vehicles. They were usually made of very poor quality materials. 


It's so rare that I only found one obscure reference to it on the entire internet.

This example was brand new in the box and cost me a massive 99p!

It looks pretty awesome but the plastic is like spat out chewing gum. One for the shelf! 

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Not sure if they are truly rare, however I have 2 original SRB front bumper with the mispelt word 'bugy' moulded instead of 'buggy'. 

Also have a spare front & rear clear glass set for an F150 Ranger.

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Hey all. My favorite is the buggy called MONSTER by ISHIPLA. This was released in 86' and it is the first and only rc car from this company. The company was creating only rc helicopters and parts so i guess it can be considered rare :) I painted the body, put stickers on it but it never touched ground. Its still new on the stand, and i think i will keep it that way :) 



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Has to be my NIB Graupner Tornado boat and drive system. I will be building this soon.



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Baja Champ (TL01B) nib. It's discontinued but I couldn't say it's quite a vintage yet. Bought it when I came back to RC to get a re-re Frog 2005. Love the box art and body & decal style, the battery position is rather unusual though, and no angle for the front arms as well. I wished its sequel and I'm still waiting for, but maybe not happen.:rolleyes:

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I don't know how rare these are... Just wanted to share a picture of them :-)


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Interesting subject.

If it had to be Tamiya related then this would be near the top of my list. 92011 BLUE Saint Dragon Body Set. Only seen a few.


But the item I cherish the most is Jamie Booths trophy from the IFMAR 89 2WD Worlds final



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When it arrives this week, the strengthened gear set for my big bear. So rare

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Okay, since my last post on my rare ishipla monster buggy, i got this one today :) still new from 1988 :) smells like decades ago, like a christmas morning, when the first thing we did waking up, was unwrapping the gifts:))



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I don't think it belongs in the ultra rare or unusual category, but it is the rarest Tamiya I own. It is the 1st gen (Short Wheel Base) Wild Willy. I am the original owner of it. I think what is even more rare in my possession is an original Wild Willy sprue that has the original M38 Grill. Never installed, NOS item. I found it on ebay many years ago, and you just don't see never installed M38 grills any more. I bought the sprue, but never used it.  here is my Gen1 WW. Been restored several times over the decades. Still a runner today. 1st pic is my oldest son and my original WW in 82/83. 





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...a 1st gen Bruiser comprised of discontinued parts and 1-off prototype parts.
  • Dave Engle axles, rear narrowed by Nick Rummy
  • Dave Engle trans
  • Proline Land Cruiser body (immediately disco'd due to copyright)
  • LRP F1 ESC
  • RC4wd 1st gen steelies
  • Hight Lift tires
  • TLT shocks
  • RC10 battery tray
  • RC4wd dual shock mounts
  • Juggernaut links
  • RC4wd machined lower shock mounts
  • Hitec MG servo
  • AM receiver
  • Boyer bumper & side guards
  • Steering knuckles machined to accept TLT axle stubs and standard wheel nut


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not sure which is rarer,

My used vintage Vanquish is reasonable condition (all working no broken parts as I can tell - I have new re re tires on it.


Or my unused Astute but no body ( I have a TBG one being sorted at the minute to give it a finished feel.



Those are original NEVER run tires.

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Two complete brand new in bag old stock Marui Big Bear gearsets. ^_^

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