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CR-01 Ghetto Modded Driveshafts

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So I upgraded my CR-01 Rock Socker with a 13.5T 3050KV motor and this is what happened after a couple of 7.2 NiMh packs:


As you can see the rear one has started to twist due to the increased torque.

These parts are hollow so I decided to strengthen them by finding a suitable screw to put through the middle:


I needed to use the Dremel on the screw head to reduce its diameter, I also had to cut back the threads a little otherwise the shaft would bulge and bind in the other half of the shaft.


I screwed them all the way in and the screw head allows just enough angle on the joint part so there's no issues there. I considered holding the soldering iron onto the screw to melt the plastic onto it or use some superglue or UHU adhesive to bond the parts - but because the screws are a tight fit already I decided to leave them without for now.

So far, so good. I'll keep an eye on them.



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Can you not get metal upgrades for this?

i know that's not in the spirit of your mod but I am surprised how carp these rock crawler drive trains are (I have never seen a CR-01 but own a SCX10 that was plastic flex heaven until you swap it all out!)

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Holy moly. $42 plus shipping! 

It's a good temporary fix but you may only be delaying the inevitable. Some Chinese aftermarket supplier must able able to do them cheaper than $42!

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