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New CR-01 owner

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Hi, and hello from not so sunny- rather wintery Surrey UK. 

I've been a long term tamiya fan, started as a kid with a Subaru brat and delved into drifting for a little while with a highly modified DF-03ra chassis. My Son wants a CR-01 for Christmas so I'll help him with the build but I couldn't help myself and I've bought one too - a second hand one that needs a little love but I'm sure I can get it up and running. 


Planning on on doing a complete aluminium overhaul and eventually a custom shell so keep an eye out in the builds section :)


Pic of my second hand one


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That looks great - quite a lot of hop-ups already I see.

My CR-01m has the Rock Socker shell - I'm enjoying mine with a 13.5T brushless motor in it. I'm just waiting for a DF-03RA to arrive - mine has the Suzuki shell on it but no mods as far as I can see.

speedy_w_beans has a highly modified CR-01, you can see his build here: 


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I have oggled, drooled salivated etc over speedy's build. That chassis is just awesome and I intend to do the same. 

Ive also been drooling over the jeep in matteo's  rc movies on YouTube so have some plans on making a custom shell but I'm yet to find a suitable donor. 


I really enjoyed the df03ra chassis I sold this to fund the cr-01. It had all the aluminium hop ups including the disk brakes. Wish I didn't have to sell it but needs must :(


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I've got my hands on it now and I'm in the process of a complete rebuild, I've pulled it apart to every last nut and screw. It's seen a fair bit of use but generally in pretty good shape. 


Some of the bearings are in a bad way so I've ordered a complete new set. 


More bearings that need replacing. 


Where the locking pin sits is a bit out of shape so had to file it smooth again so I could get the bearings off. 


Loads more ore to follow.....

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I prefer 3M scotch-brite (or similar) and a cordless drill. You put the part on the drill and use scotchbrite to remove rust and dirt.

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Wheels being rebuilt too


Haven't decided on the colour yet, don't know if I should go gloss black like the wheels or wait and do them the same colour as the shell. 


I don't like the blue anodised finish so off it comes!


The Gmade bighorns will do for now but I've put new memory foam inserts in. 

Wheels being painted tomorrow....

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The CR01 is more capable than people give them credit for. Love mine and looking forward to running it again in some snow :)

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Some hop ups, I'm struggling to find parts silver as standard so having to make do with blue ones.... for now


Stripping the blue anodising 


All parts are now silver :)


some bits responded very well and just needed a rinse off, others were left looking a bit dull. 


So they've been buffed. Made my hands and fingers ache like crazy. 

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I've ordered a few hop ups, prices in the U.K. are ridiculous so they're taking a while to arrive from "out East" but this is the first of many.....


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More hop ups slowly arriving. 


Utter bargain on the aluminium damper set. Paid 40% of the uk price, well worth the wait!

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You guessed it, more hop ups from Japan, again - less than half the price compared to U.K. 


The frustrating thing is I ordered the bearings last like a complete numpty so starting the building of the rig is going to be delayed as I literally can't start without them......

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And so the build begins at last. My son got a rock socker for xmas so building both at the same time. 


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the standard rock socker chassis is complete. I've put a few upgrades parts on including Tamiya aluminium base plate, aluminium dampers, some alloy parts around the axles and steel driveshafts. Rock socker body to follow


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My all aluminium chassis is coming along nicely too. Tamiya aluminium dampers being made:


And I made a pretty sweet looking axle guard from aluminium plate. I copied a picture of one I found online and it worked out pretty good:


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Taking shape, thinking camel yellow or ps-3 blue. Anyone know of some decent tyres that are maximum 120mm outside diameter? Big horns too big, 1.9's look hilarious, Tamiya vice crawlers the right size but I know are poor performance wise






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I love the proline flat irons I got on my CR those are 120x50

Sofar those got my everywhere


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Did you do the tyrep trick to remove play in the suspension arms?


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