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Crash Cramer

A bundle of bits that need new homes.

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Well, now that I have this photo thing down here, I thought it time to get some space cleared up in my garage and spares bin. Please look over what I have to offer either here or on the TC Trades room, I try my hardest to stay on top of things, so if you see it listed, it should still be for sale. Keep in mind I am in the USA and I know that it isn't the best time of year or the best exchange rate right now for us all, but I don't want the Earth for these bits, I want them to get to new homes where they are needed and I need to either trade for bits I am needing or sell them for what I invested into them in the first place. I did buy up a few lots from hobby stores as I passed through(a fact my wife readily reminds me of while she waited in the car) so I did get some good prices, I would like to think I am not in the lofty pricing of eBay these days, but when some re re parts are out there just like the Vintage stuff, well that is competition isn't it. Please note, my parts will be vintage as the only re re parts I have around here is on my HotShot restorations and those parts are not for sale at the moment.




Some RARE Fox hop ups from a long gone company. Never got around to fitting them to my shelfer.




Some old PROLINE Champion tires, they have a 2in diameter, but they are on the narrow side, much like they would fit on the front wheels of a HotShot series car.



And some Proline "blades" or whatever they called them, I have a total of 3 pair NIP of this wheel



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