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After a new brushless esc

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Hello all,

I am hoping to get a new brushless esc in the next couple of weeks and would like to ask your opinions.

The ones I am looking at are the trackstar gen 2, speed passion reventon r or pro and the skyrc toro ts120. I am looking at putting it into my Schumacher Cougar 2wd. 

Any help or any alternatives you can recommend would be appreciated 


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I have experience with Turnigy, specifically the Trackstar 80a ESC and X-motor combo. I think the Gen II that you're talking about is 120a, right?

The 80a that I have used is nice and works well, it's just that compared to my older Tekin RS gen 2, it feels very weak. Got the tuning card and that didn't help. If the newer units are indeed 120a, I bet they're probably more than fine for Stock 2WD buggy.

I've heard good things about Speed Passion and am considering the Reventon Pro when I build my SC6, or perhaps has an upgrade for the RB6 when I switch it to 4-gear laydown.

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Hi loaba,

Thanks for the reply,

The gen 2 is a 120a esc and I am looking at hooking it up to 6.5t motor, I am looking at getting a 4wd buggy in the near future so this would probably go into that car. The speed passion get a good write up on various sites and the program card is included with that unit. I will do some more research and see if any other options turn up. I do like the Tekin units but the price is way too much over here.


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Following this too as I need a couple. Where are you buying from? Just interested as it seems that all the sites have their strengths so interested to see which is best for esc

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Hobbyking for the Trackstar and Modelsport for the Speed passion, the SkyRc Toro is from Ebay but I am unsure if this is a genuine unit or not? They are about £30 cheaper on there than from other stores.

Going to have a proper look tonight, I will update this thread with what I decide

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I can get 2 TBLE-02S for about NZ $70 delivered and run tue motors I have, or spend about NZ $250 on 2 Trackstar Esc and motor combos.


Is the TBLE any good or just does the job and usually comes with the kit? Would the Trackstar esc be any better? Trying to work out if its worth spending the extra at this point as there aren't any events on thr horizon

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The Trackstar will give you loads more tuning possibilities than the TBLE-02S. A word of warning though: several people in our club have used Turnigy esc's with varying success. Anything from no problems, over working great but giving up after about a year, to arriving stone cold dead from the supplier. Overall however I think they're good value for money because when they work, they work great. 

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2 hours ago, werewolf said:

The Trackstar will give you loads more tuning possibilities than the TBLE-02S. A word of warning though: several people in our club have used Turnigy esc's with varying success. Anything from no problems, over working great but giving up after about a year, to arriving stone cold dead from the supplier. Overall however I think they're good value for money because when they work, they work great. 

Thanks for the reply werewolf,

I have seen some reviews on faulty units straight out the box, but there are also plenty of good reviews. I think for the price it's worth a punt, once I get it I will post feedback on this thread

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Like I said, the 80a felt weak as compared to something that was much more expensive when new. Having said that, I would have no problem picking up a Turnigy 120a ESC. Given my needs (2wd buggy) I think it would be plenty of power. I do not have any experience with 4wd RC, so I don't know what you'd start with there. I guess more, right? lol

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I am looking at the 80a, the ROAR approved turbo esc. They are far cheaper than the 120a which suits my budget at this point. It won't be going into a proper racer - if they are used for racing it will be vintage in a Novafox and Boomerang and 17.5T, so 80a should be plenty for that. 

At this point my options are the TBLE-02S or the Trackstar Turbo with matching motors. I think the Trackstar is the better bet, unless you are saying that the 80a Turbo esc is awful and better to go with the TBLE-02S?

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If you're going for the trackstar, don't forget to also get a esc programming box. If I recall correctly these esc units are almost (or even entirely) impossible to program without a programming box.

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2 hours ago, Jonathon Gillham said:

Also sorry Teamonster for hijacking your thread!

No problem Jonathon, it's all good reading

Just to update, I have in my basket at hobbyking, trackstar gen 2 120a esc, 6.5t trackstar motor and programming card. Also grabbed a couple of new lipos while there. Should hopefully come this week ready for a test at the weekend:)

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Have just ordered 2 of the turbo 80a esc and 2 17.5T motors, with matching program card. Will probably take a year to arrive, will report back

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My motor, batteries and esc have been dispatched UK warehouse and the programme card is coming from Europe not yet dispatched.

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I have 5 trackstar Turbo esc's and a 120 gen2 version in my 22/4 with a 6.5.

All are a brilliant and I use a 8.5t trackstar motors with the 80a with some turbo and boosting timing is just unreal.




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So I had a rather awkward conersation with my wife this morning, ordered those esc and motors after a few wines and while I need them eventually I wasn't going to order them for a few more weeks since I have spent quite a lot this month between 2 kits and load of wires, plugs etc etc as well. Oh well, I'm not sleeping on the couch tonight so must be fine!

Thanks Mad Racer, thats exactly what I wanted to hear

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2 hours ago, MAD RACER said:

I have 5 trackstar Turbo esc's and a 120 gen2 version in my 22/4 with a 6.5.

All are a brilliant and I use a 8.5t trackstar motors with the 80a with some turbo and boosting timing is just unreal.




That's the same setup as I have bought, gen2 and 6.5t motor. How was the initial setup? I think my programming card will appear a lot later than my motor and esc so I may have to run with the standard config.

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The Program card is a must.

Don't be scared of playing with settings either. I have a awesome set up on my Turbo esc's with lots of punch and top end.

I run this set in all my Turbo's.

The thing to remember is Boost setting is Mid Range power curve and Turbo is top end timing.

Initial set up is no boost or Turbo timing. A little different to calibrate.

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58 minutes ago, MAD RACER said:

The Program card is a must.

Don't be scared of playing with settings either. I have a awesome set up on my Turbo esc's with lots of punch and top end.

I run this set in all my Turbo's.

The thing to remember is Boost setting is Mid Range power curve and Turbo is top end timing.

Initial set up is no boost or Turbo timing. A little different to calibrate.

Cheers for the info mad racer, once I get it installed I will give it a try and let you know how I get on.

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Yeah very useful information. Having never had an esc that can be programmed I just smile and nod and murmour 'hmmm, yes boost' etc which seem appropriate when people talk about them.

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My bits have arrived, ordered Monday came today very good service from hobbyking


Should hope to trial fit and test at the weekend. Will update:)

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Cool, and what great service. Mine have left the NSW warehouse and should be here in a weekish. I have a Boomerang just waiting for the esc so itncan be built, and slso a TT02B which has lost its electrics to go in the Fox, so 2 sad cars in my lounge. One happy 3yo though, he has 2 cars that work!

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So mine have arrived too now, stoked.


I have 2 clubs near me, one outdoor and one indoor. The outdoor club runs 17.5T stock blinky in both 2wd and 4wd, then mod class which is open and no blinky, so these will work well. Most guys run the same car in both as its clay without huge traction so 17.5T with boost is plenty.

The indoor runs blinky and 10.5T for 2wd and 8.5T for 4wd. The ESC says its good down to 10.5T. It also says 80a continuous. The 10.5T motor says 45a max current and the 8.5T is 50a max current.. Now my question...which should I rely on, the motor turn limit, ie 10.5T limit, or the amps and find a motor with less than 80a draw?

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Not sure really, hopefully someone can give you the right info. I would say stick to the turn limit of esc and monitor the temps. 

I have just ordered the 80a version for one of my cars and that is going to run a 10.5t motor. The 120a esc is excellent, I have been playing the boost and turbo timing, the range seems to go from mad to insane :)

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