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Camera on the buggy

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I want to mount a camera on 1 or 2 of my buggies , just to record some video - What camera would you guys recommend ?

Not really looking to spend a ton, but would like a good quality image -

Also, is there a way to protect from rollover damage or would the regular clear plastic case handle that?

Never owned a Gopro - so any advice would be great! thanks

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A friend used a mk1 GoPro on his Associated B4 and it gave good quality video and survived being detached from the car in a 50mph crash with the included enclosure. If you have a look at the 'Need help in horsepower wars' thread on the forum here there are quite a few vids taken with it.

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Is there anything smaller with decent quality and good image stabilization/vibration resistance?

I´ve been looking for something on and off for the last few years, but a GoPro still sticks out too much.

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if you're buying new today, there's a smaller GoPro cube that's size of a golfball

dont think they've got image stabilisation though?

Have stopped giving $$$ to GoPro, after being a fanboi for 3 generations felt they were selling us a shoddy untested product for waaay to much $$$$. Overheating issues, short battery life, klunky control interface, hardware that's more toy quality than Nikon solidness.

Sony has a nice adventure cam, size of a ciggy pack. It's upright cannon style though, good for side of helmet but trickier to mount on RC. 

The fly boys have some small cameras if you don't need waterproofness, small size allows you to tuck it in under body or rollcage.

Used to play with tiny 909/keyfob cams but they aren't HD quality.


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I'd pick one of Runcams HD cameras, probably the Runcam 2 HD, which supports 1080p at 60fps. The higher framerate helps making things less shaky, and it's easy to make a simple 50% slow-mo conversion without loss of quality. Also, consider getting the wide angle option as the more wide angle lensed cameras seems less susceptible to shaking.


At $80 they are hard to beat, and they even have a metallized casing prevention rf radiation that could interfere with your receiver.

There is a smaller alternative, the Mini Moebius, which also provides 1080p at 60fps, but the video quality is slightly (very little) lower in some conditions:


And work on the mount to avoid shaking. I find that any kind of rubber mount tends to produce shake and jello, so I go for a firm connection to the chassis.

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