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The Frog brought me back!

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Hi all,

Been lurking for a while, but today I’m offically back, after a 30 year hiatus. Now, where do I go for hop up parts and necessities?

I’m planning on just using to bash around our house, but there is a race club and track in Tacoma, which is about an hour away.

A life time ago I had a Falcon and raced it at a track, good times indeed! Anyway, not sure how deep down the rabbit hole I’ll go, but, a Boomerang would be nice....





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Welcome, fellow newbie. I've always loved the Frog. That special box art just looked so good to me. Since we're fellow orv fans, I too like to shop around for option parts. Most of the time, you can find what you need on ebay such as oem parts since the re-releases were issued. There are a couple sellers that come to mind who have a good range of aluminum parts, if you want some bling. 



Those guys carry option parts to help strengthen your car as well as give it that cool factor. There's also AMPRO Engineering who make brilliant 3D printed upgrades. Look for username Pintopower. He designs fantastic parts to really bring our beloved cars to this decade.


If you like scale accessories and add-ons for realism, you can try RC4WD.


These are just a few ideas. I'm always looking for more cool things as well. Good luck on the build and keep us posted. BTW, check out my Monster Beetle build thread here on tamiyaclub. I just posted it yesterday. Cheers.




Oh! I almost forgot. The first and foremost item you NEED to purchase is the MIP ball differential. It's a must if you want your tranny bulletproof.


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I came back after 30 years a couple years ago, when I pulled my Frog out of my mother's attic...  

Here is my rebuild thread:  

Most upgrades and hop-ups will be found on EBAY (unfortunately).  Many are getting harder (if not practically impossible) to find at a reasonable price.  

I would recommend a couple of things first:  MIP upgrade of the transmission, front shocks mounts for use with Tamiya CVA shocks (#50519), and replace the rear shocks with CVAs (#50520).

Everything else after that is icing on the cake.  CRP made some very good items, most of which are still available.  AmPro (search Shapeways) also makes some nice pieces.

Also, many Blackfoot parts are interchangeable with the Frog, so you can mix and match as needed.  

PM me if you have any specific questions...



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Dude, the Frog bought me back last spring and now I have 8 different tamiya cars/trucks.  Be careful, it's addicting!:)

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What he said ^ LOL! Welcome back! The Frog was my first back in the 80's, I got back into it about 2006 now I got closets full.

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That’s what I’m worried about.  It’s almost done,  I bought bearings and upgraded rear axles but passed on the MIP  differential.  I’m hoping for a Re-Re Falcon and will put money into that, or a Super Hotshot, or a Optima, or a....

I’m not much into doing documentation while building stuff, but the build has been easy so far. The hardest has been getting the electronics put in, which are in but I’ve not yet hooked up the battery and trimmed the Servo.


Anyway, I’ve been having total flashbacks remembering when I built my Falcon when I was 12.  It’s weird, I remember it being easier, but then, my eyes were better and my fingers smaller and more nimble.



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5 hours ago, Percheron said:

 It’s weird, I remember it being easier, but then, my eyes were better and my fingers smaller and more nimble.

Tell me about it <_< so clumsy & blind now

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It’s done!!

There’s some fine tuning to do, but it tracks straight and is pretty quiet. I didn’t do it box art, because the LHS didn’t have Tamiya white, do I went with Corsa Grey.  I like the color.  My kids are young, and with two girls, the pink color was demanded.  I painted the wheels too.  I’m gonna keep the silver can for a while, but will get the Sport Tuned at some point.  Anyway, I’m ready for another one.  Come on Falcon!!!


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The decals were fun, my three year old insisted on helping, so they’re not all straight or in the “correct” spot.

The black roll cage stickers were not laying down properly, so I omitted most of them.



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Welcome @Percheron!

Your Frog looks fantastic - I really like the colour combination. 

I too returned to the hobby last year with a CC01 - but it hasn't stopped there....I now have a Wild Willy, Grasshopper, WRX (TL-01), Axial Yeti SCORE TT and I'm currently restoring my old R32 Calsonic Skyline (TA-02). This forum has been a great resource - but it also fuels the obsession, be carful! :D 

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Love the frog, the sound of it landing a jump and making that "splat" sound, I love it. takes me back to my childhood.   i'll def be picking up a Frog at some point.

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I'm down in Olympia. TC Member MtnBkr (Ron) is also local.



Love the user name :lol:

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On 3/13/2018 at 3:15 PM, NWarty said:


I'm down in Olympia. TC Member MtnBkr (Ron) is also local.



Love the user name :lol:


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