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A warning to anyone interested in this Tamiya Boomerang on Ebay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/163273819483?ViewItem=&item=163273819483

I bought and paid £80 for this in July and never received it, or got any replies to any of my messages or emails to the seller.

I know that this is the actual Boomerang that I bought because he is selling a Hotshot as well which was also on the same sales thread, and with the same photos of both RC's.

I have since found out he has had several ebay ID's and lots of negative feedback, eg "item not received" and "doesn't answer emails", and then his account has closed, only to reappear months later under a different but similar ID.

Paypal have taken out a case against the seller for me .

The fact that he is claiming to donate to charity disgusts me immensely.

People like this don't deserve to be associated with our hobby.

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Just as well I had a lower bid than you as I bid on both of those cars last time round...


Cheers for the heads up

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Thanks for the heads up guys. I had both of those on watch. Is it help for heroes that charity he claims to help? 

There's a report item in the listing. Never reported an item before. Could this get it removed so someone doesn't get ripped off?

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@Terz1  You're welcome mate. I'm really pleased that you saw this post.

I didn't notice the report option, but  I've just looked at it.

It's to do with Copyright and trademark, Listing practices and Prohibited and restricted items.

I rang Ebay and reported him for fraud this morning, and they are looking into it.

But because I didn't buy the Boomerang via Ebay they can't update me on any progress.

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There are members who get a parcel intended for others and call out to find the intended recipient. 

And then there are people like this.  I only hope that there are a lot more good people to offset the bad ones. 


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