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Crash Cramer

Unfortunate health news about a fellow TC member

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This is a post to pass on some details about the failing health of TC member VINTAGE NUT


Howdy fellow TC members. I was getting back into some Tamiya things at the beginning of this year, but once again have found little time to follow through with anything substantial in building or even organizing. Besides that point, I had recontacted Lee Collins AKA VINTAGE NUT here on TC. He and I were figuring out what I would need to get my vintage Hilux back in action and he started to look for the few bits I need. Well, fast forward to just about a week ago and I had not been in too much contact with him for much of March. It would seem he didn't forget about me, but rather he had a 3 week stay at hospital. It isn't looking great, he had one lung removed many years ago and his final lung isn't doing well these days. He has given up "feeling sick" and taking treatment, so it could only be just a matter of time before he is gone from here on Earth.

I don't know where to actually put this other than OUT HERE in the forums and I hope if you feel so moved, perhaps you can send him an email message via TC mail or directly to his email at



Best of intentions and regards,
Chris aka CrashCramer

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Sad news.  I don't know Vintage Nut personally but I wish him the best in this hard time.  Thoughts to him, his family and his friends.

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I'm a foolishly positive guy.  He's not gone yet.  Let's hope that some miracle happens and he gets the extra lung he needs.  Life is stranger than fiction. You just don't know what would happen in the next hour.  

If he were fitter, I'd have said he could try "Wim Hof method."  It increases red blood cells in the blood.  What little air he gets, he might get more moved around in the body.  I don't know if it's safe with one lung though.  But a group of people who practices holding breaths, are said to have climbed the Mt. Kilimanjaro faster than others.  

At any rate, let's send him some positive energy!  


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