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Looking for battery advice for use in DT-03 Racing Fighter

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Hi all,

I'm in need of some advice from those of you who have experience with the DT-03 chassis.  Specifically, battery advice and which battery to go with.

The electronics I'll be using in this build are relatively simple: I'll be using the stock TBLE-02S ESC that came with the kit, along with a Tamiya TBLM-02S sensored 10.5T brushless motor, and either a RadioLink R7FG or R6F receiver (haven't decided if I want a gyro in this buggy).

I've been back and forth between using a NiMh or a LiPo battery for this build.  I don't plan to race this buggy at all - it'll just be a fun recreational run-about with maybe an occasional trip to a local RC track, but no competitive use. Most of my experience has been with NiMh batteries, specifically Venom Power brand batteries, but I know LiPo is the way to go for sheer, raw performance, especially for a brushless setup.  I'm not married to either NiMh or LiPo though - I'll consider any option.

So I turn to those of you who are far more experienced with this: what battery would you recommend for my DT-03 Racing Fighter?

Thanks very much in advance.  Cheers!

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run mine either with 3000mah or 5200 2s lipo. kinda a big difference but depending on what im doing it works for me. If youre running 10t then id say lipo to rip and mah to bash. you decide what that means

Edit: dont look to over power the car either. its a really good fun chassis. you can have a lot of fun with. remember its not made to win races. its not made to do 80 mph. go easy and enjoy the car u built.

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If you are going with the R7FG, that one has the telemetry that will show you your battery voltage that you can reference to when monitoring your LiPo voltage since the TBLE02S does not have a LVC.

As an extra precaution, you can also use a lipo alarm in addition to the R7FG telemetry as it doesn’t hurt to be on the safer side... 

definitely go with a LiPo... 

if you buy stuff from AliExpress, look for a Gartpot brand. The form factor of that battery is the same as a NiMH so you can use it in almost all Tamiya models.... 

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I really would suggest 2s hard case lipo. plenty room i the buggy (or my converted monsterbruggy). 10.5t should be plenty fast. (my mbruggy has 2s and 4600kv robitronic, 17t pinion ).It is a great basher car and thinking it would not be too bad at racing also, at club level attleast


Shorty lipo would allow weight balance adjustments so that could be wise option also.

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