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Running Fox

Range Vintage Radiocontrol transmittors

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Dear Tamiyaclubbers

I'm lucky to own a couple of vintage transmittors (Acoms, Futaba, Robbe) but it seems the range is much shorter then I remember from my early RC day's (late 80's). After 30 -40 meters the cars (FOX, Hronet, Grasshopper) connection is lost and the cars just go wherever they want to.

Am I doing something wrong?


Tnx for your advice


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Older ones should have longer range than the new 2.4ghz system. 

Is the receiver antenna raised vertically about 30cm?  If so, check the connection of the transmitter antenna.  Battery strength could also affect the range.  


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Walter, vintage metal Futaba transmitters have really long range like Juggular said. But they do drain the batteries fast and than the performance might drop, the ones I have won't last an hour with 8 cells.  Also the antenna must be extended all the way unlike modern radios, even in a room.

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