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How high should be the Dischargerate be for a dual Super Stock BZ Motor Setup be?

Is 30 Ampere good enough?

What does "C" mean?


I want to buy good NimH Packs.

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If the motor runs counter to each other, make sure that the motor has neutral timing. (Many motors run faster one way, slower in reverse. Something like Clod has the gearbox in mirror images of each other.  In that case, one motor would run faster, the other motor will run slower. That's not so good for stability.)  

30 Amp load on the battery should be okay.  Considering 2 motors, a little more would be preferable, also make sure that the ESC can handle 2 motors. 60A ESC isn't really good, at least 80Amp ESC would be necessary.  

"1C" means a complete drain in 1 hour.  If it can drain the entire charge in half an hour that's 2C.  If it can drain the entire battery in 20 minutes, that's 3C.  If it drains in 5 minutes, that's 12C.  Many stores sell batteries of 50C or 100C.  If it's 60C, for example, that means entire charge can be withdrawn in 1 minute.  You can see how that's unnecessary.  Even cheaper batteries with 20-30C could discharge fully in 2-3 minutes, and that's more than enough.  


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C = Capacity 

A bit like the size of the fuel tank. As above, a 3000mah battery will provide 3 amps for an hour (I'm sure they just add a few zeros and call it Milliamps just to make it sound better!!) 

Unlike Lipo, where you get told the discharge rating, as some have a higher discharge than others, Nimh are around 5C discharge ,so a 3000mah Nimh can discharge around 15 amps. 

I believe there are Nimh batteries out there that can discharge up to 15C, but after switching to Lipo (120C) I've not looked.

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