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Terra Conqueror build

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Hey team,

It full Covid lockdown week 4 here in Auckland, New Zealand, so I’m breaking out the big guns. 

I’m building a NIB Terra Conqueror I’ve been keeping, waiting for the right moment.

I’m going to start with cutting out the body, as in the past this is where I’ve come unstuck. Its so hard to get a nicely cut line. And I’ve got a severe case of OCD. 

I’ll update this thread as I go…

PS. Any tips with how I need to treat the build, with it being so old?

I’ve already discovered the body and wing don’t have protective film. That’s new

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1 hour ago, NZJohn said:


Greetings on an older shell I usually wrap the entire outside in tape after I cut it all out and get it fully prepped to keep the overspray off... I wish they had that back in the day

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8 minutes ago, Original Jardasius said:

Greetings on an older shell I usually wrap the entire outside in tape after I cut it all out and get it fully prepped to keep the overspray off... I wish they had that back in the day

Yeah. That’s the step I’m up to now. Not having the overspray film certainly add hours to the painting!


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I'm enormously jealous. But I will help you anyway...lol

1. Beware the brittle TA-02 gearbox plastics. I'd recommend threading the self-tappers slowly, maybe with a dab of grease/oil. 1 turn in, 1/2 turn out. It helps relieve some of the pressure...I think.

2. Stick the decals on the outside of the body temporarily with tape to get your orange/white lines taped off on the inside. Basic, I know but someone asked this recently...

3. Check the condition of the tires before manhandling them onto the rims. They probably aged *better* being in box, but it would suck if they cracked on installation.

Go slow and enjoy it!!

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On 9/10/2021 at 11:52 PM, Original Jardasius said:

I will prob end up having to do the same thing myself when I get a new body and wing for  my original RC10...... IF I can still find one for it that is

JConcepts is making repro shells for the RC10, have one for my CE Edition.  Just need to get around to painting it, but they do have overspray film.

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On 9/14/2021 at 5:39 AM, Unknown Driver said:

I'm enormously jealous. But I will help you anyway...lol

1. Beware the brittle TA-02 gearbox plastics. I'd recommend threading the self-tappers slowly, maybe with a dab of grease/oil. 1 turn in, 1/2 turn out. It helps relieve some of the pressure...I think.

2. Stick the decals on the outside of the body temporarily with tape to get your orange/white lines taped off on the inside. Basic, I know but someone asked this recently...

3. Check the condition of the tires before manhandling them onto the rims. They probably aged *better* being in box, but it would suck if they cracked on installation.

Go slow and enjoy it!!

Thanks mate. Appreciate the tips. 

I’m just really taking my sweet time. Finally finished the masking and painting. The fluorescent orange took around 12 light coats to get inside the wing properly. I’m pleased with the end result. With do the stickers next. Then on to the main event the build itself


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That looks great!  Enjoy the chassis build, the Top Force was probably my favourite build of all and this should be very similar so you should have a good time.

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The Terra Conqueror is one of Tamiya's best looking buggies. It'd be an easy rerelease, too. Body looks great.

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OMG, those beautiful vintage blisters... and an included 01R!!! Even the Egress, Top Force, and Evolution didn't come with a motor, let alone a legendary motor and Tamiya's first ever numbered Hop-Up!

Did you realise there's a NIB DF01 carbon chassis on TradeMe at the moment? It's not cheap but a vintage Terra Conqueror might actually deserve it.


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2 minutes ago, djmcnz said:

OMG, those beautiful vintage blisters... and an included 01R!!! Even the Egress, Top Force, and Evolution didn't come with a motor, let alone a legendary motor and Tamiya's first ever numbered Hop-Up!

Did you realise there's a NIB DF01 carbon chassis on TradeMe at the moment? It's not cheap but a vintage Terra Conqueror might actually deserve it.


Mate, just did a search on TradeMe. Got nothing. Have you got a link?

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3 minutes ago, NZJohn said:

Mate, just did a search on TradeMe. Got nothing. Have you got a link?

This one:


But I've just realised it's not the full conversion, only the plates so it's not going to be enough, you'd need a bunch of Top Force parts (namely J parts and alu chassis posts) which I'm sure you could pick up on eBay these days but that's probably becoming uneconomic. Sorry to mislead!

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8 minutes ago, djmcnz said:

This one:


But I've just realised it's not the full conversion, only the plates so it's not going to be enough, you'd need a bunch of Top Force parts (namely J parts and alu chassis posts) which I'm sure you could pick up on eBay these days but that's probably becoming uneconomic. Sorry to mislead!

All good. I actually just got (and built) a rere Top Force Evo. I wonder, how many of the parts I could cannibalise off it to make a genuinely special Terra Conqueror?

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8 minutes ago, NZJohn said:

All good. I actually just got (and built) a rere Top Force Evo. I wonder, how many of the parts I could cannibalise off it to make a genuinely special Terra Conqueror?

Good question, you could exchange the entire chassis if you wanted, front and rear gearboxes are interchangeable across vehicles. But it would be a pity to ruin the Evo. You'd need those TM chassis plates plus re-re Top Force/Evo J parts and an E bag, plus some general hardware, to convert the TC to carbon double deck.

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This ended a bit abrupt… any news here (building one right now too)?

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Absolutely love the Terra Conqueror. This is my hopped up one. Started with a genuine one and used vintage hop ups to up the performance. Evolution diffs, Universals all round, hi caps , top Force mounts, one way gear, o2h , cpr p-160, alloy hub carriers. 



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On 4/22/2022 at 6:30 AM, wtcc5 said:

This ended a bit abrupt… any news here (building one right now too)?

Hey mate, 

Just to update here I ended up finishing the car in box art. A massive lesson learnt was in painting the orange colour on the inside of the wing. You really just need to take your time - open it up carefully with your fingers and then lightly spray a dozen or so coats. 

I spent ages sanding the body too. Just to get it perfect. Then I conditioned the tyres. And job done!


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