Location:Oxford, UK
Ebay ID:ashley_wheaton

Ever since I owned my first R/C buggy in 1983 (Sand Rover), I've wanted to start a collection of vintage Tamiya cars. So far: 2 x Thunder Shot, 1 x Grasshopper II, 1 x Terra Conqueror, 1 x LunchBox and 1 x DynaStorm. More to come.... (Ok, ok....I'm addicted!)

UPDATE: Jan 2006 - The Collection Grows! Added: 2 x Top Force, 1 x Dynastorm, 1 x Frog Re-release, 1 x Manta Ray Re-release, 1 x Thundershot Re-release. Also, pics of my 1/8 cars - 1 x Landjump (25 years old!) and 2 x GS Racing Storm.

UDATE: March 2006 - Two new kits added: The EGRESS (Oh yes!!) and Stadium Blitzer. Also picked up two new (never used) Acoms AP-227 - 1 x Mark1 and 1 x Mark2 (very nice!).

My Tamiyaclub friends...