Ebay ID:stig_otd

I bought a Madcap in 1989 when I was 13. I had to save up for what seemed like and eternity. Once built with lots of help from my dad who had experience with static car models, my younger brother had a go, and drove it into a kerb cracking the chassis and breaking the front bumper. I strengthened using some aluminium, added aluminium gearbox plate, hi-cap dampers, and continued to torment and show the 4wd Avante drivers on my local BMX track how to drive, showing them just what a 2wd buggy could do! Eventually the rear part of the chassis cracked and it was placed into storage.

Now its restored, but upgraded! I have since restored another Madcap back to box art, built a TL01 Impreza WRC, restored an Astute, and found and restored a Sand Scorcher. This has been the hardest of restorations!

My Tamiyaclub friends...