thelegosMember since:30-May-2006
All started with a Holiday buggy and an XR311 bought at a boot sale some 25 years ago. Back in the day I had Sand Scorchers, Blazers, Hilux, a couple of Bruisers, Rough Riders, a couple of Super Champs, Sand Rovers etc.etc. as you'll see in the showroom - over 60 cars in all as I recall.
I was very much into the early vintage cars with hard bodies being the favourite. I still have some cars and lots of parts and feel the urge to fire some up again.
Everything was cleaned and restored close to original, if that wasn't possible I liked to customise. I also remember dabbling with rock crawlers.
It's great to find my old showroom still on the site, I'd forgotten about many of the cars, great to see the Thunder Tiger and Kyosho stuff, most of which is sold now but I've still got the larger scale Kyosho bikes.
I moved on to boats, restoring and scratch building, some are in there but I'll add a few more.
Time to take a look in the loft again!