Location:Hong Kong
Ebay ID:hwpeterl

My first RC was the Tamiya Super Champ when I was about ten years old. A few months ago, I was thinking about buying a Tamiya 1/12 Mclaren F1 display model. I started searching on local website and see if anything come across. I saw an old Tamiya Hilux 58028 displayed by someone on a local RC website and it brings back a lot of memory. So I started to look for one and find this site. My theme of collecting Tamiya is the 3-speeds and the SRBs. After a few months of search on eBay and Yahoo Japan, now I have 2 Hilux, 1 Bruiser, 2 Sand Scorcher, 2 Rough Rider, 1 Ford Ranger and 1 Super Champ. I would like to add a Blazing Blazer to complete my collection.