FERRETTIMember since:19-November-2006
Hi, I am yet another fifty something playing with toy cars, I've been involved in model car racing since 1979 when we raced Holiday Buggies, Cheetahs and XR311s at a local school. I still have my Cheetah although it's in many bits at the moment.
My aim was to collect all the cars I once owned (this I have now achieved), as I was a racer most with the exception of only a few will be race-derived models. As I am particularly fond of 2WD I have collected some models that I have not previously owned such as a Super Astute, RC10s and a Dyna Storm. There are still more cars I would like to own as funds and availability allow (isn't that always the way :-))
I aim in the not too distant future to update my showroom with better quality photos but initially I wanted to make sure I had captured the cars before any restoration work had started.
Just to clarify my show room models and classifications.
If a model appears in my showroom I actually have the model in my possession, it won't have been sold, traded or chopped up to make another model unless specified otherwise. I have a number of as it was entries which are no longer in existence, these entries are kept for posterity and reference.
I try to be brutally honest about the condition of my models, I describe them as if they are for sale (none of them are unless specified) so new built is a model built from kit or all new parts and never run (not even a quick test on carpet). Restored to new built will have all new moving parts and all parts showing any form of wear what so ever replaced with new. A project will usually be a basket case lol
*****Very important, please note that I am sorry but I do not respond to messages through Tamiya Club from parties who are not registered*****