Troy Heli KingMember since:17-February-2008
I am a company director married with four daughters who first got into this hobby by my father who purchased my first tamiya kit when I was 13 years old '1983' ' The Tamiya Frog!' & have been hooked ever since.
My pal at the time who's dad owned an engineering company had the 58028: Toyota 4x4 Pick Up which I wanted but dad wouldn't buy me that because very expensive at the time if memory serves.
I currently own a good selection of different models like the Metallic edition knight hauler with MFU & Tanker trailer, fully ball raced, electric legs etc .
I have a F350 with MFU unit & also fully ballraced, I also have another Knight hauler, Mercedes 1838 & a couple of container trailers. I Recently got a tiger one full Jap kit with radio gear & have another tank. I also like to fly model helicopters scale & pod & boom & full size helicopters when time permits.
I have various models which swamp my workshop/house & my dads which is full of Tamiya/Kyosho cars, planes, submarines, helicopters etc most things that you can buy radio controlled. The wife never goes in the workshop so I sneak things in from time to time otherwise she would kill me with the money I spend on R/C models LOL!, great looking at this TAMIYA CLUB web site & thought was time to join & add comments when time permits.
Best regards