
For some strange reason ive always loved Rc Cars. Had a handful of Niko and after seeing my cousins Boomerang i set about saving for my own. My first Tamiya was the Bigwig. Being young ( 11 ) fastest was always best and that technigold motor sure made it shift. After saving and saving i got my Bigwig from Beaties.

Build was smooth and i quickly found the huge design fault with this car. Any type of head on hit meant the chassis would break. I went through at least 6 chassis before i decided to stop wasting money on it.........

The two Tamiyas that i wanted more than any were actually the Top Force and Avante 2001. I was too young to remember the Original Avante and Egress. But then the Top Force Evo was released......This overtook the original Top force for desirability. Top force looks, better colour, better decal set and factory hop'd up...

To me the Avante 2001 and Top Force Evo are the two models that mean the most to me. At the time they were out of reach price wise. Everytime i was at the shopping centre i would go into beaties, stare at the two models and then leave all depressed

Which is why i now have them both restored as shelf queens in my living room to admire

My Tamiyaclub friends...

Proud to be a member of...

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