prplehzMember since:14-May-2008
Ebay ID:slntdata
I have been in RC since I was about 13 and I am now 40. There was a large laps of time there when I didn't even drive my cars. When I moved out of home I left all of them except my RC10T Team Truck in storage. I drove the 10T on occasion though. Well I went home and got all my RC stuff out of storage and have completely rebuilt my Ultima and have restored my turbo optima and turbo Ultima as well. I have a little track in the woods behind my condo I drive on. It is fun but it is for sure more of a challenge than a groomed track, lol. I have never gotten into the competitive side of the hobby. Although I am thinking about it now. I currently have an v1 Ultima and a v2 Ultima restored to 'perfect', a Turbo Ultima, Ultima 2, Modified Turbo Ultima, Turbo Optima, 2 of the Kyosho Target Indy cars, Super Blackfoot, RC10T, RC10GT, and last but not least I have a Marui Big Bear that was new in the box I just recently put together, as it was my first RC vehicle ever. Remember, God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt...
I am now addicted to the SRB Tamiya cars and have all of them except the Ford truck in various states of being restored. Including one driver 'Super Scorcher' I am in the process of building up that I drive. I would say the bug has bitten me hard. Hard enough that I opened a store on Ebay to sell vintage parts and kits. Don't worry though I sell nothing but quality. I am tired of the garbage being sold and refuse to do the same. My ebay name is slntdata so take a look, you never know what I might be getting rid of. I would personally like to thank Tamiya club for this great community we have for our hobby. And the great people that I have made deals with to get parts and such. I have had nothing but great experiences.
That is until Tamiya decided to be greedy cooperate pigs! Since they have decided to force people to take down manuals, which you can't buy or get on the Tamiya site I might add, and repro decals which they don't produce or sell either. I refuse to buy any new Tamiya products PERIOD until they change their evil money grubbing ways. Screw you Tamiya and your re-releases too! I still love though. No harsh feelings there at all.