My first experience with Tamiya RC cars was in the early 90's when I bought a Tiger Stripe Ford Escort Cosworth,. I enjoyed every minute of it but soon the car was ready for a well earned retirement in the loft. A few years later in 2001 I purchased my second Tamiya car, a 2001 Subaru Impreza and that stayed on a shelf!!

I've always liked cars and been a keen collector of many different items and recently my interest in RC cars was fired up following my 4 year old sons fascination with fast cars. After browsing 'the dreaded bay' I purchased a couple of kits. A few people with whom I traded on the bay pointed me to TC, which, I thought was an awesome forum and that's how the addiction began...............The rest as they say is history. .

I have met and traded with some fantastic TC members some of which are:-

Dazza1 (Who pointed me to TC), scoobydoo, Metboy, Loaded, J1MMY, twisty, victor101car, 53HRA, europro975, Corgi2, Ryanbored, jayjay, TIFF-SMITH, mikef350, Tamiya.Kev, bellysgonnagetchya, Dazmeister, candyman212, carlos vandango, RallyeBaz, Jimbo, TamiyaWizard, Rat Fink, bfst24, Monty, tamiyoman, vintageavante, saracen, retromodeller, BeetleLover, Racing Master, worldrallyteam, cosworth-rs, larbut, Twinset, L-U-K-E, Victorious Secret, sirandy, uluu70, 3-Speed, trickydicky1979, tamiyaonebay, skyline GTR, anchordriver, lupogtiboy, Truck 4x4x4, xplode0_1, chesher cat, wongy008, stickerbod, Vinsjenzo, Tamiyamandan, Rammer, skinner2, Frank Lux, bossgrabber1970, gr2fltp, Muddybaldboy, pcw 064, rad22rad Alloys, tamiya_runner, sludgeguts, Stan :0), slimmy, Sibrk, Jorisschulte, bat21, macmeniac, sunnyjai, Kevin_Mc, T-1028, Dam 10, Outta Control, motocrosser, Rhodesay, Dave White, *monogram*, hadtoownahilux, Hello motto, SRB Bloke, scalamon, pandafred, Tamichael, Powerbruiser, njmlondon, Tamiya Era, TamTom, breese24, cogenymonkey, taffer, paulos29, BiggusDitchus, ipkiss, IBIFTKH, Clarkey001, z00ter, 88 Avante, casethejoint, Subaruhess, Rakusei John, Pinpoint, BeppeITA.

There are many more members and non-members whom I have met and traded with, and I apologise to those whom I have forgotten to mention but I would love to hear from you                                                               ‚¬Å¡   ¬Ãƒ €¦   ¡               ¬                               ¦.....