Location:Ostrava (Stara Bela) Czech Republic
Ebay ID:pauljking

A long long time ago, I can still remember how that Scorcher used to make me smile....and I knew if I had my chance, that I could make those buggies fast and maybe we'd be happy for a while.....

The time has come for me to take my showroom a bit more seriously. Those few who have met me, like Radek (Rad22rad Alloys) have walked out of my house with their shaking their heads, as there are piles of models that aren't listed in my showroom. Radek has been telling me ages to be a better member, so I will spend the next few months listing more models. I have a few dozen photographed and logged, which I will try to list now, but more will come over time. There is not much rhyme or reason to my collection, except to say I love Porsche and SRBS, but everything is represented. Every significant model has been through my fingers over time, I only wish I hadn't parted with some of them. I have recently moved to Czech, I love NIBs, but not only. I believe in mint boxes to keep and more damaged ones to build. I do not mind cracking open a Super Champ box to build the model, but I wouldn't crack open some of them just for the sake of it! There are some interesting new builds to follow also. I have a new hobby room, in which I intend to build an entirely custom display unit. Until then, things are a little messy, but manageable. Comments welcome from logged in members!

NOTE CONCERNING TRADES/SALES : Hello all :-) Since I started updating my showroom, I have had an increasing number of requests for trades and sales etc, which is perhaps not surprising! When I first started collecting, I emailed a few members, most of whom to their credit, did respond. It is very tempting to email a fellow member with a request for a desirable item. I welcome any communication with members and never censor my showroom, so comments get posted, get answered where appropriate and I will always try to answer questions emailed directly. However, if an item isn't listed in trades, it is not for sale. I hope you understand and don't think me arrogant or rude! I am just trying to cut down on emails and disappointment. I also can't start a list of who might be interested if I decide to sell.... This list would be long. Veeeery long! If I am going to sell something very exciting, I will list it here first on Tamiyaclub.com and then eBay if no success. Thanks again and enjoy my showroom! Paul.