Antt02Member since:1-May-2021
Tamiya RC builder and runner since early 80s like so many of us. I grew up with hobbies being a huge part of my life as my Dad was a serious hobbyist. He loved to build wooden boats from scratch, work on his model RR layout and fly RC airplanes. I would go to my LHS, Appanaug Color and Hobby Shop with my Dad on a Friday night when he got home from work. He would meet his friends there and drink coffee and smoke a cigar or two whilst I'd be drooling over the hundreds of model kits. I remember when Tamiya was first introduced to the shop in about 1980. There was only a few at first and then more and more started showing up. My first Tamiya RC was the Holiday Buggy. I remember my Dad helped me but wanted me try try to do as much as I could by myself, while he would be working on his boats, so I could learn how to build not just play. I lost my Dad just 6 months or so ago. He was 90 years old and did so much for me in his life but the funniest thing he introduced me to was this wonderful hobby we all love!