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T-StudioWorks is a tribute to Tamiya Radio Control cars.

I am no different to many 80's kids that looked in awe as others had the latest Tamiya and Kyosho, not having the finances to fund my interest. At 14 years old I finally built my first radio controlled car, an original release Tamiya Boomerang buggy. It was a present for doing well in my studies. I remember having to wait while saving up for a Futaba transmitter & receiver before I could run the buggy. Although I've been in and out of the hobby many times due to changing priorities, I've been hooked on the hobby since then.

This TamiyaClub page is linked to my YouTube channel where I hope to share the passion and inspire others through the ups and downs of this hobby. The showcase/tribute is a means of thanking Tamiya for their amazing works. We hope Tamiya continues to design, produce & share with us these quality radio control cars.

Check out my Youtube channel for all my videos of unboxing, builds & tributes:

Please do subscribe to my YouTube channel to help me make & share more of these videos. Thank you.

Enjoy the hobby whichever way you like!