LemmingMember since:31-May-2005
Mainly interested in Ferraris, Mod Clods and Buggys. Every car in my showroom is fully ball-raced (not always mentioned) and used for running! Collecting for since 2005 (got out of the hobby years ago as a kid).
Big thanks to all the members who went to Kidderminster 2005 for all their help!!! Made me want to join!!!!!!
Also, not on-line all that often, so don't take offense if I take a while to reply to people!!!
People I have had good dealings with on TC:
Richytanimal (my bruv, the star!)
Biggusditchus (various & loads of help)
Fastboy (custom alloy bits)
NZL60 (shells and TXT bits)
Netsmith (motor mounts)
Hillman666 (various including SRB)
Wilton55 (Avante)
Evoman (Top Force bits & info)
Sunktothenutz (mini - VERY good trader!)
Lollo74 (sold an Avante to him)
caddy shack (nice deal on a TLU-01 light set)
Taffy (superb deal on a 3Racing lights set with wing morrors)
TamiyaJohn (superb easy transaction on wheels and tyres)
Gecko-No-More (sold my beloved Dyna Storm to Cliff)
If you don't appear here (and I have dealt with you before) please let me know. My Laptop died a while ago and I have lost most of my old messages!