Bruiser hl _anders_ No words to describe the great job you did with the truck!Really impressed WELL DONE!!! 1-May-2009
My new off road car hobbyteam Thank you for the comments guys,i still have some details to take care and i 'll be back!!! 17-Jun-2009
Tamiya ford f-350 high lift ***sold*** R/CVET Welcome then,i think the F-350 is one of the best scale looking models out there.Try the MFU-02 for it it's awsome! 22-Dec-2009
Landy snow run ant88 Very nice pictures,funny but where i live in Corfu Greece today we had 21Co!!!No chance i make pics like yours. 6-Jan-2010
Bruiser wrecker category 58048 3SPD REKR No words.Just great looking truck!One pics is better than the next one,just perfect! 8-Jan-2010