Our truck game
BB Helen

What chassis is that mini body sitting on? Looks awesome!

Collection as at dec 31 '10

Wow!! That is one hell of a collection you have there.

Boondall vintage insect cup 2010
Retro rules!

Thanks for the comments. Unfortunately we haven't seen alot of rays lately with constant rain over the last few weeks. The track looks more like a river at the moment.

The first car i bought when the r/c bug bit again!
Retro rules!

Thanks for the comments guys. The pics were taken at a bmx track close to home. Its such a great place for a run and plenty of cool jumps too!

Vintage race of the year

Looks like a really cool event. Love the first pic of your promo poster/flyer. What a great design!

East mid lads bash - shepshed - nov 2010

Looks like heaps of fun. Just love the pics of the wild ones. Well done!

Srbs in extreme cold

Fantastic pics. That last one looks so real.

Perth bash part 4

Sweet looking place for a bash. i'll bet there a plenty of cool spots over there in Perth.

Boondall vintage 2010 part 3
Retro rules!

Thanks mate. It took a decent sized run up to get enough speed to actually get the big lug airborne!

New look for my wild one

Just stunning. Lets hope Tamiya re release the Wild one. Want one even more after seeing these pics.

Boondall vintage 2010 part 2
Retro rules!

Yeah but more like a brotherly type of fight!

Summer fun!

Great photos mate. What a fantastic spot to run cars. I think a Grasshopper has just moved up my list of buys for this year now!

Such good fun to run!
Retro rules!

I'd say the blitzer beetle will be a mere formality to be re released once the stadium is finally released. Lets hope so atleast.

Such good fun to run!
Retro rules!

Thanks singleseven, i might just look into that

Kyosho ultima db (desert buggy) beach run

Great pics. Really loving the look of these buggies. Nice to see some more realistic looking cars on the market. Lets hope more companies follow kyosho's lead.

The monster lives!!
Retro rules!

Hey gaz, sure is mate.

Custom rough rider

Truly amazing. Such a stunning looking vehicle

Beach bash
Retro rules!

They all went well but the T4 probably went the best. Brushless power plus great handling proved a winner. The boomerang went well but easily has the most sand to clean out of it.

My first non tamiya
Retro rules!

Yeah it landed ok. It pretty much lands perfect every time, which is means less repairs!
@karooha MB
Well said. When I look at todays vehicles they just don't excite me. They all look the same, Buggies look like spaceships-which i hate and there is just no personality with any of them. Sure, they drive fantastic but they are plain BORING in my opinion. Lets see more retro looking cars on the market. Atleast Tamiya had the sense to realise what most of want and re released their back-catalogue. You just have to look at the showroom stats to see which cars are the most popular. Keen Hawks and sand vipers or Sand Scorchers, Hornets, Rough Riders/Buggy champs. No contest really!

Boondall vintage 2010 part 3
Retro rules!

There is actually a jump to the left of the sprint car. Its not very big though. The car just goes so fast it get enormous air!

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