Had to keep her ?

Oh come on. As if it's embarrassing to post pics boogyloop. All RC cars are toys, and they're value is just a product of the fond memories they hold. It doesn't matter whether it's Tandy or Tamiya.

Radio shack/ tandy porsche

Just thought I'd mention that this car may well have been manufactured by Nikko. Most of the cars sold by Tandy/Radio Shack were manufactured by either Taiyo or Nikko (both of which are very old Japanese toy companies that have been around nearly as long as Tamiya), and rebadged as Tandy. Nothing wrong with this - it just means that Tandy acted as the sales arm of Nikko and Taiyo during the 80s. And both Nikko and Taiyo were known to have made some great little cars over the years. - H.

Wild horse

Nice collection of Nikkos and others there. I have a large collection of these too, some NIB.
I noticed this 'Wild Horse' model. I can give you a bit of history about it.

Tandy/Radio Shack sold these cars in Australia in 1989. They had the Wild Horse, and Wild Pony (a smaller version). The former retailed for AU$199. The latter for AU$119. I think they were manufactured by Nikko in either 1989 or perhaps 1988.

I have both, but I can tell you - down here the Wild Horse was much bigger than the one in your showroom. The one in your showroom looks just like the Wild Pony, but renamed as the Horse.

Also, the original Wild Horse and Wild Pony did not have any sound effects - they were purely R/C trucks. So my guess is this one is a later version.

Nikko were notorious for rebranding their cars differently right around the world - making it very hard to trace the exact history of things.

The real Wild Horse is HUGE - easily the size of a Monster Beetle etc. It's takes a 7.2v battery pack and 2 x 9volt batteries.
The Wild Pony, meanwhile, is like an exact miniature in every way - smaller, and body sits lower on the chassis. It takes 8 x AA, and 2 x 9volt.
Hope this was useful :)

Golden arrow

Smoke-Dog, that was probably the Blue Arrow - a smaller R/C car, no relation to the Golden Arrow other than both of them being manufactured by Nikko. The Blue Arrow was sold as the Super Fox in many markets. Rayman has one here - note the driveshafts near the rear wheels.

Ashi corporation (aka acoms)

Just a friendly note to say I think it's 'Asahi', not 'Ashi' (but I could be wrong!) :) Also often went under the name 'Atcomi'. cheers - H.

Taiyo jet hopper / tyco turbo hopper

FYI, the Jet Hopper was never manufactured as early as 1983. Outside Japan, it was released in 1986/1987. Inside Japan, even the Taiyo website history lists it as being released in 1986. See here - http://www.taiyo-mamas.com/taiyorc/history/1986.html
And yes there were a few variations of it. The earlier ones had the fatter tyres.

Competition entry march 2013 - fav tarmac trim

That's a truly impressive photo, well done.

From one hotshot to another!!

Thanks for the kind comments about my R/C Toy Memories site, and glad you enjoyed the articles. Happy for the pics to be shared around (and of course, I appreciate any link back to me). Cheers!

The ultra rare 'black bumper' sand scorcher

Nice to see another Black Bumper. Have you checked to see if the whole kit is a Mk1?

1/10 off road scorpion

Nice original Graupner/Kyosho Scorpion kit there. As you say - it has the later black chassis tub. Do we know if all Graupner/Kyosho Scorpions had the black chassis tub, or did some have yellow?
Also - what kinds of wheels, tyres and dampers does it have?
The tyres will be one of the 3 types. The wheels could be one of 2 types. And the dampers are probably red, and probably the 8mm variety. It is very hard to faithfully reproduce that beautiful box art photo.


Taiyo jet hopper / tyco turbo hopper

Some more info for you. Your example on the left here is a rare Taiyo Jet Hopper Mk1 - the very first type.

As you say, the other one has painted wheels to make the tyres look taller. It's 'Turbo Hopper' rear wing suggests it is a Tyco/Taiyo Turbo Hopper Mk1 from the USA.

I've done some lengthy research over time, so you might enjoy my article about the Taiyo Jet Hopper...


And also, the article about the Tyco/Taiyo Turbo Hopper:


The ultra rare 'black bumper' sand scorcher

Sure thing - I can help you work it out. I've been researching it quite a bit lately, to come up with a definitive list. Send me a PM and I'll give you the detailed checklist via email.

Matsushira radiotron the winch japanese version

Hey Mark - it's 'Matsushiro' not 'Matsushira' :P
Hope your collection is going well.
And for anyone else - more info available here - http://rctoymemories.com/2014/01/01/matsushiro-winch-1984/

Hen's tooth
Basket Case


La trax rough rider

This vehicle is called 'The Hustler', by La Trax. It's actually based on another real world buggy, but not the same one as the Tamiya Rough Rider was based on.

Ferrari 512 s berlinetta speciale pininfarina
Outta Control

This seems like the best use of 3D printing I have ever seen :)
Instead of counterfeiting existing stuff, making original models like this is great. Excellent work.