GB01 The HORNET :: Shadow edition
Status: Project
Date: 24-Jan-2011
Comments: 29
This is my GB01 Hornet, Shadow edition. It is a little brother to my 1/10 Hornet rere, as far as paint goes - but that's where the similarity ends. I loaded up on a buttload of silver GPM parts when I saw some stupid deals on the 'bay some months ago. Also hooked up some lights and 3racing dampers. There's a sweet black brushless system in there too, but mostly it's going to sit on my shelf and look bad-ass. Details below:
3Racing dampers (anodizing removed and bits polished shiny)
GPM Alu. turnbuckles
GPM Alu. arms
GPM Alu. gearcase
GPM Alu. shock towers
GPM Alu. hub carriers
GPM Alu. servo saver
GPM Alu. front body mount
Tamiya silver wheel nuts
Kyosho 'Bridgestone' tires
Hyperion 5000kv brushless motor
HK 2.4ghz GT receiver
custom painted chrome wheels
tire lettering in white
custom painted body (did a few layers of smoke for translucent effect)
3Racing LED light set

If you liked those pictures, you should see these...
GB01 The FROG :: Bright Eyes edition
All I can say, is Wow! This thing looks amazing!
if you intend on driving it i recommend you luck the diff
have wanted a tamtech for a while now, and pics like this dont help, This hornet looks like it was made for offroad warfare!
Stan :0)
That looks fantastic, well done.
Looks the dogs danglies!
That is the best Hornet I have ever seen.
No Slack
Another one! This one is very, very nice. The looks are very agressive. Rear tires are a nice touch. Best TTG buggy collection on TC.
That's the most attractive Hornet I've ever seen. And that's says something since it's a Tamtech which I'm not to fond of. WOw!
Wow! Sorry but have to comment again....this thing is amazing!
just one word, stunning
SRB Bloke
This is so much more than a 'Hopped Up Tasm Tech' looks amazing...
What a fantastic piece of machinery!
love it a real beauty
Retro rules!
Wow is about all i can say too!
Dam 10
Cool lookin' hornet, love the shell, got a ghostly feel to it
You've taken TamTechs to the next level! What a collection of choice looking buggies!
This is a super follow-up to your rere Hornet, both now in my favourites
again a superb tamtech, and tzhumbs up to the painting as it looks superb which isnt easy when not fully painted
That guives a special shadow look for an unique Hornet but wonderful, i love it
Fernado Alonso
Cool little fellow
Nice looking little guy!
I love what youve done with this. I also love the little red part on the bridgestone tire lettering. I guess I gotta pull my bridgies down off the shelf for a little doodling
Absolutely fantastic buggy!!!!
bad andy
Thanks again guys, one more in my TTG collection to go, and one to update
The red in the Bridgestone is part of their official logo so I incorporated it. I did actually try (2 attempts) to paint the striping on the body, but it's a rather difficult scheme to do really well. One effort yield stupid blunders, the other fouled up due to scratches and fingerprints, doh! I gave up on that idea and just used the decals this time around. I guess with those other bodies, I've no excuse not to do a few runs with this, eh? - Personally interested to see how the Hyperion motor performs 
Thanks again for all the comments.
Now this is awsome!
Very nice, I'm really think about doing one of these also. Awesome work!!
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