Model: (Click to see more) 58047: Hotshot
Status: Parts
Date: 16-Oct-2015
Comments: 2
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CRP basic upgrade kit - PARMA positiv drive - PARMA dual rear shock mounts - JG front sway bar brackets - RAINBOW upright set - PARANOIA adjustable ball diff - CRP A-arm stabilizer - SUPERSHOT speed controller set




Oh yes love the msc all new its it pack!
Fantastic goodies again buddy

Crash Cramer


Nice collection. It is the first time I am seeing the front knuckles/uprights in the package. I have a pair on my DreamShot. I haven't seen the Paranoia Ball Diff, but then again, the brand wasn't seen over here in my hobby shops, just Thorp brand. What is the actual brand on the front uprights???

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