Formula Scorcher
First of all, this is my first TC showroom starting item.:)
About 2 years ago in hot summer, I'd taken off this humble project with my new Neo Scorcher kit, just I wanted give more lively looks and a drive figure to this buggy.
Thinking several days for trying to decide what have to do and how have to do with it, found a way that seems acceptable for me, then I started and closely finished up like the below pics... and had put it in a shelf, with my laziness, until now.
I'm thinking of to add a kind of roll bar for the willy driver's well-being and my mind softening when drives it someday.:)
I named this buggy 'Formula Scorcher' when planned it.
Thanks for your reading and looking at my post.

Love it - like a modern take on the Striker
WOW! I loce it, that goes directly to my favorites! Well done, I hope I can borrow your idea and build my own Formula Scorcher.
Regards Peter
Cool idea & workmanship- for me it's like a 'Striker V2'
Looks very nice!
Would be nice if there re-re Striker again. Thank you!

Yes, both has kind of F1 style looks.
Thank you! except measuring some body part for making the driver's simple bed, and making the decals, it wasn't complicated process. If I get a chance, I also hope to post about making it.
Thank you! I wish have good ideas and workmanship as another many TC members. Glad you like it.
Love that! Looks superb! Loads of these racing on a track would look fantastic
Looks ace, I can imagine loads of those racing on a track it would look fantastic.
A cool modern look on the buggy....

Thank you! It would be loads of fun if various kinds of open cockpit buggies are made, and running, competing with one another.
Thank you! I just wished to try turning, even a little, off a way of looks and feels of the body.
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